andres wrote:

> @notdirectedtoanyoneinparticular:
> Using Edje to theme a constricted widget library like GTK or QT would be a 
> complete waste of potential. The only way you will have E,  EWL and ETK 
> looking *the same* will be creating yet another bland constricted library.
> In web design consistency (or unity) among different pages in the same 
> website 
> is attained by repeating design elements (colors, textures, fonts) and 
> applying the different design principles (proximity, balance, alignment, 
> proprortion) in the same manner across every page. 
> To maintain unity among different applications unsing the same widget 
> library, 
> both GTK and QT have enforced the design principles (+behaviour) at the 
> programming level. This limits the designer to aesthetical changes on the 
> design elements. 
> I assume neither E, EWL or ETK developers want to create yet another bland 
> library. If what I assume is correct then allow me to suggest a solution to 
> mantain Unity among all your apps without compromising the freedom that Edje 
> provides.
> Split the themes in two parts, a smaller theme file that contains textures, 
> fonts and colors (the design elements) and another theme file that contains 
> the layout and behaviour using GROUP parts to include the design elements of 
> the first theme file into it's own.
> Designer who want to alter themes in general limit themselves to the first 
> file. Designers who want to alter something specific for an specific toolkit 
> dives into the second. This limits designers in the second group to a extent, 
> they cannot simply replace a texture with another and hope it will work in 
> every theme, they will have to consider carefully before overrinding a design 
> element. Besides, they will be able of altering other aspects of the 
> interfaces (to different extents depending on the toolkit).
> An E, EWL or ETK application will not be a carbon copy of another. But unity 
> among them will be mantained. If you guys agree I can post a draft for 
> this "standard base theme". I have been thinking about this issue since I 
> started with the Edje book.

      All this might be good ideas and they could inspire people to write
apps/themes in various ways. Both ewl and etk allow one to write
apps that are as unique or as uniform as one wants, since both toolkits
allow the writer to possibly make use of custom edjes for theming
most any standard or custom component. It's up to the writer to design
their app as they see fit - and that's the real power of these toolkits,
that they offer that choice, rather than imposing some 'true-way'.
      Some set of guidelines or theme-structures could help people to
write more uniform, or more unique, or more mixed, or whatever designs,
and it might be useful for various situations or scenarios, but the
toolkits themselves allow for those things to exist - for that kind of

      Note also that 'theming' does not necessarily mean using edje,
since you can write your app to use custom layouts and objects, and
you could even create some other lib that others could use for that,
along with the toolkits. In fact, with something akin to a 'canvas'
widget, which allows you to arbitrarily position any widget or object,
plus maybe alternative layout mechanisms, one could do pretty much
anything with the toolikts - web-like looking apps, flash-like ones,

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