Gustavo wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 1:40 AM, Jose Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Gustavo wrote:
>>> Since Edje is target at designers (ie: colors are not premul, etc), I
>>> think we should go with JS since most designers know it somehow, even
>>> if they don't really know, they think they do and they will not be
>>> afraid of trying it... Also, many systems use it as scripting
>>> language, comes to mind Photoshop, Qt-based applications and it's the
>>> official language of KDE for exactly that reason. I remember INdT
>>> designers hacking some Photoshop scripts just because they knew bits
>>> of JS from web development.
>>> Lua is good, yes, but I think that going with a more widespread
>>> language is the way to go.
>>     Indeed. Javascript has enourmous widespread use on the web, very well
>> knonwn
>> to designers, very close to flash's actionscript, and runtimes for it are
>> becoming
>> faster. It should be a verious consideration.
> Another pros:
>    - familiar, C-like syntax;
>    - OO support

      There's also something else here related to an earlier discussion
about this - namely, just what the 'role' is of scripting vs. descriptive
      One of the things that's 'good' about MS's wpf/silverlight is that it
has this declarative syntax (xaml) which can then be manipulated via any
number of 'scripting' languages, ie. not bound to a given one. Flex has a
similar syntax (mxml) but is (I think) exclusively bound to their actionscript
language, and I think flash itself is more or less purely actionscript (any
flash experts around here?).

      Now, in the case of edje, its current use of the edc format is limited
to defining these stateful templates we call 'groups' for designing gui
components.. but that's not all it could do, and it's been mentioned that
it would be useful to allow 'containers' and similar kinds of components
to be described. In fact, evolve's edc has something close to this kind of
usage, and could have a lot more.
      If these kinds of things are further explored, in edje/edc or evolve/edc,
then one again is led to consider allowing for support for 'edc' by various
scripting languages as available - support for 'edc' in that there would be
a means to read/write the syntax and modify properties of objects involved
via those languages.

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