On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:15 PM, Youness Alaoui
<kakar...@kakaroto.homelinux.net> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com>wrote:
>> On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 04:07:30 -0400 Youness Alaoui
>> <kakar...@kakaroto.homelinux.net> said:
>> > On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 11:22 PM, Carsten Haitzler
>> > <ras...@rasterman.com>wrote:
>> >
>> > > On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 11:05:20 -0400 Youness Alaoui
>> > > <kakar...@kakaroto.homelinux.net> said:
>> > >
>> > > i'm already working on taskbar. i've fixed horizontal sizing issues
>> > > already. i
>> > > need to fix theme up. t_unix has pending patches for xrandr
>> multi-screen i
>> > > have
>> > > yet to look at - if someone wants a release them why not review those
>> > > patches
>> > > and try them out while i'm busy? otherwise this just takes longer. we
>> > > can't set
>> > > dates because so many people agree to do shit and then DONT DO IT.. in
>> the
>> > > end... i do most of it. look at:
>> > >
>> >
>> > Ok that's cool, just let me know and I can stress test and report bugs on
>> > taskbar or any other module. I also need the multiscreen stuff, right
>> now I
>> > have a script that uses xrandr, so I got the setup ready and I can test
>> it
>> > for you.
>> > As for dates, yes, set a date, and if someone doesn't do shit, then too
>> > bad, the missing features will be missing features, it shouldn't mean a
>> > delay of another year.
>> no - i'm not setting a date. i set a task list.
> Yeah yeah, you've made that pretty clear already, the thing is, we give
> reasons why this would be better, but your only argument is "because I
> don't want to"
>> > > http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/wiki/Release
>> > >
>> > > of the list left the following could be dropped:
>> > >
>> > > * connman module ui improvement
>> > > * config modules for missing e config vars
>> > >
>> > > the rest are not droppable. of the droppable ones the connman ui is
>> more
>> > > droppable. but thats MOOT right now as these are not the last 2 things
>> > > left.
>> > >
>> >
>> > We went through the list with Cedric and Gustavo, and this is the list
>> with
>> > comments :
>> > - Fix EFM to be completely reliable/functional
>> >    --> That's not a feature, those are bugs, and if they are not fixed by
>> > the time RC1 is fixed then it's not an issue to fix them between RC1 and
>> > final release.
>> > - Redo resolution settings module
>> >    --> It is important, and I need it myself *but* people can live
>> without
>> > it. Those who can't will just have to endure it or wait for the next
>> > release.
>> >         Anyways, if this work has already been started (or not  hard
>> > enough), then IF it can be done for RC1 then it can be included,
>> otherwise
>> > too bad.
>> > - Randr config module/integration
>> >   --> I don't really know what it means, so I can't comment
>> both of the above are the same and i disagree. people can't live without.
>> this
>> decision was agreed on back in march.. actually before that we knew there
>> was a
>> real need.
> Well I don't think so, but if you really think people can't live without it
> (and can't live without e17), then someone has to make it work by the time
> the deadline is reached. If not, then too bad, if you can't live without
> it, then go hang yourself.
>> > - Keymap config
>> >   --> Same as the resolution module, while it is necessary, people can
>> live
>> > without it, otherwise, they'll endure it or wait. If it can be done by
>> the
>> > time of RC1 release, then bugfixes can be added for the final release.
>> disagree. alphas are meant to be feature complete. and so what? so what if
>> we
>> do an alpha now? what will that change? all it will do is encourage people
>> to
>> NOT finish things.
> how will it encourage people to not finish things? and what it will
> achieve? well I thought it was pretty obvious, but since you need me to
> spell it out for you :
> - You need a feature freeze in svn before releasing
> - You need to fix bugs between feature freeze and release
> - You need an alpha release to get bugreports on what needs to be fixed
> before the release.
>> > - Get a default theme 100% ready to ship
>> >   --> This is a no brainer, that extra polishing (what exactly is missing
>> > anyways?) can be done from RC1 to final.
>> > - Connman module ui needs to be improved
>> >   --> I don't use it so not much to say about it, I use nm-applet with
>> the
>> > systray module. But I guess it's the same as above, while it's needed,
>> it's
>> > not something that will break the release.
>> > - Add config modules for all missing E config vars
>> >   --> Same as above.
>> >
>> >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > with those done then we can absolutely do an alpha (though it must wait
>> > > until
>> > > after efl 1.1 which is now due in about 3 weeks).
>> > >
>> > Why not do the alpha (or RC1, it's the same thing, different naming) at
>> the
>> > same time as efl 1.1 release? That's what we discussed and I think it's a
>> > good idea. This also sets a date for people to get their patches in
>> before
>> > the alpha release.
>> hell no - not at the same time. we have enough work to do on efl1.1 - why
>> does
>> it matter that they are at the same time? other than a sudden desire to
>> release
>> from a whole bunch of people not working on the release?
> It doesn't matter that they are at the same time, what does matter is to
> have a fixed date for it. I said at the same time as efl 1.1 because cedric
> suggested that (at the conference). And this isn't a "sudden desire", it's
> a desire that's been there for years, you just don't want to see it. You
> need time to rest post efl 1.1 release, fine, but set a reasonable date.
>> > > mind u - this debate has come up several times in the past, every 6-12
>> mo
>> > > or
>> > > so. and u know what happens? NOTHING. the people who all want it don't
>> DO
>> > > anything. i give a list of things to do (a rough hand-wavy one) and
>> then
>> > > they
>> > > proceed to do nothing. i have learned lessons over the 16 years of
>> doing
>> > > things. 99% of people like to spout opinions and tell you what you
>> should
>> > > do. 1%
>> > > actually get off their butts and make things happen at all. 0.01% of
>> them
>> > > ACTUALLY have the fortitude to stick it out long enough to get things
>> DONE.
>> > >
>> > Yes, I'm pretty sure it's an old debate.. now I wonder why there still
>> was
>> > no release.. maybe it's because "it wasn't stable and noone did anything"
>> > or maybe it's because rasterman vetoed everything, decided to get pissed
>> > and scare off everyone. The purpose of this thread (and probably all the
>> i always set a todo list - normally broad with room to wiggle, and people
>> just
>> barely or didn't work on it. what i'm tried of is the rudeness of wanting
>> to
>> tell those doing something what to do , when to do it and how to do it and
>> then
>> not actually be doing things. that's just plain rude. don't expect me to
>> feel
>> all love and happiness because of it.
> you are tired of the rudeness? well sorry about that! And I'm also pretty
> fucking tired of your condescending arrogant bullshit! Yeah yeah, I'm the
> new guy, I'm just a user, I haven't contributed anything worthy, so I
> should shut up, but you know what, I still have a voice, and I've heard so
> many 'rumors' about you, but now I believe them after I've actually
> experienced the rasterman ever since I joined. You talk in a condescending
> manner, you are arrogant, and you piss pretty much everybody off, I don't
> know how e17 lasted this long with you driving away everyone.. oh wait,
> yeah, people did leave the team, and maybe if you weren't being the
> dictator that you're trying to be, the community would be much much much
> larger.
> I have a lot of respect for your work, you definitely have a lot of skills
> that very few people have, but this does not mean you can be a tyrant
> dictator and do whatever you want, ignoring everyone's opinions. I
> understand E is basically your baby, and for sure your word is important
> but you need to listen to what people tell you and stop being so fucking
> stubborn (and I'm not saying this just about this thread btw)!
> While I'm on the subject, like what Gustavo said, someone emails and says
> he wants to help with something and all you could answer him is that he'll
> fail, how stupid is that? is that how you build a community ? you are
> poisoning it from the inside, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who
> thinks that (I actually know I'm not), but I always speak my mind, I'm not
> scared of you or scared of hurting your feelings, while I respect, I won't
> hold out on my thoughts just out of that respect, so I don't know if others
> here already told you what I've just said, or maybe they tried to be more
> subtle about it and you didn't udnerstand it, or maybe they did and you
> ignored it, or maybe they simply didn't out of fear/respect, or the usual
> "oh he's like that, let him".. but I needed to get that off my chest. (and
> yes, before I get flooded with responses, I'm not saying everyone here
> would agree with what I said, but I know at least a few who would).
> You say I'm being rude because I dare open my mouth without doing any of
> the work you want.. well I've wanted to help, but everytime it seems I lose
> my motivation, I swear I could have started working on that TODO right now,
> but every time I read an email from you, I get tired of that arrogance and
> just want to say "fuck it".. If I ask something or suggest something, you
> always answer like you're the all knowing God and I'm just a stupid little
> ant, so yeah, I'm not going to code for you, I'm not going to boost your
> ego by falling in line and following your orders, I'm not your stupid
> little soldier who is braindead and needs your guidance in this world.
> Maybe that's why people don't do any of the code you'd like them to do..
> And for your information, I'm not "not helping", you need to realize that I
> am, by this very thread, by this very discussion, I am wasting my time to
> share my thoughts and help the project in a way I feel is useful. If you
> think that 'work' and 'help' can only be quantified by number of lines of
> code written or number of TODO items fixed, then you're wrong. But then
> again, of course, since you know everything and everyone's opinions are
> just a big pile of crap, so sure, you ignore everything the others say, so
> in the end, we're not helping.
> I may be harsh in what I just said, but I'm not politician, I'm not gonna
> sugarcoat it, especially since yourself don't even care enough to sugarcoat
> whatever crap you say to others.
> Oh, and you should probably read this, I think it's talking about you :
> http://www.slideshare.net/dberkholz/assholes-are-killing-your-project
>> > previous discussions) is to get a point across, the release is needed,
>> and
>> > most people think that there is no point in delaying it, but if you're
>> too
>> > stubborn on that, maybe that's the reason no release was ever made, not
>> > about people not contributing (which btw, seeing how you sometimes answer
>> > aggressively, it might actually have scared away contributors).
>> check history before you speculate on it. there has always been a todo
>> list -
>> it has fluctuated over time but broadly has had all the same content.
>> reality
>> is that it isn't released because people were not helping to make it
>> happen.
>> let's just deal with the most recent stuff - the release wiki page. i
>> suggest u
>> check its history in trac. e17 release is awaiting that. yes - i veto the
>> release until that is done. so hold all your arguments EXCEPT about the
>> todo
>> list itself. that means either do stuff or convince me to nuke it from the
>> list.
> Why do you get to veto? Why isn't it a vote? We've given you valid reasons
> to not do it that way, but you have no reasons to stick to the TODO other
> than your veto and because you want it that way.
>> > > to everyone debating e17 release - get off your butts and do the todo
>> > > list. if
>> > > you actually DID this... it'd have been done long ago.
>> > >
>> > Still missing the point, the TODO list is not the blocker, it seems to be
>> > you and your decision. The release can be made now, the TODO list is
>> > irrelevant.
>> thats a load of horse dung. the TODO list is the list of things to do FOR a
>> release. thus very simply - the release is blocked by the todo list. i'm
>> sorry
>> - i'm not in the school of thought that thinks u just crank out a release
>> every
>> N weeks/months just because a date rolls around.
> And you're too stubborn to understand that the release should NOT be
> blocked by the todo list, and "that's a load of horse dung" is not a valid
> reason.. and you not being in whatever school of thought is not a valid
> reason either.
>> > I tried to compromise, I tried to come up with a solution that would make
>> > everyone happy but you simply ignored it. I didn't write a long email to
>> > explain things just to have 99% of it ignored.
>> the todo list already is a compromise. now the goal is to throw it out
>> entirely
>> (pretty much). that's not a compromise. nowhere near it.
> the todo list is already a compromise? how is it a compromise? is it
> because it represents what the almight Carsten feels should be done and he
> has taken the time to write it up for us mere mortals instead of keeping
> the thought of "God's plan is unknown to men"
>> > Assign a release manager, set specific dates for feature freezes (which
>> > would come with a release candidate) and specific dates for releases. Do
>> an
>> > alpha at the same time as the efl 1.1 (NO MATTER WHAT) and get that out
>> of
>> > the door, it's in 3 weeks? then you got 3 weeks to do these little new
>> > features you want ('you' being anyone who wants to contribute of course),
>> i'm 100% busy and solid with efl for these 3 weeks - so hell no.
> so why did you previously say "in weeks"  when it was said that they'd be
> fixed in months? so that means it will still not be fixed in months...
>> > and you said youself it's a matter of weeks, so prove it. If it can't be
>> > done in the next 3 weeks, then it will never be done. Then after that,
>> you
>> > got 1 month to iron out any bugs reported and make the whole (including
>> the
>> > new, somewhat buggy, features added right before the alpha release) thing
>> > more stable, then release 1 month later! If there are still pending bugs
>> by
>> > that time, then too bad, you missed the window, next release will have
>> > those bugs fixed.
>> an e17 alpha comes out __AFTER__ efl 1.1 is out. date is not set yet.
> I don't mind that, but the date must be set.
>> > > fyi - that todo list was decided because those items were deemed TO be
>> > > critical enough to stall a release. even YOU are crying out for
>> multimon
>> > > config! you don't even give a consistent stance.
>> > >
>> >
>> > Yes, they WERE deemed critical, now I think what is actually critical is
>> to
>> > have a release, it's time to revisit with the current situation what is
>> > actually deemed critical. I gave my opinion above about them.
>> i disagree.
> great argumentation, thanks, now I understand better your reasons.
>> > As for my consistency, no, I am consistent, while yes, I do want and need
>> > multi monitor support, like I said, if it can't make it then too bad! I
>> > prefer to see a release, to see exposure and to see the 90% of users who
>> > may not need multimon support be happy to use E17, and the remaining 10%
>> > also happy but somewhat annoyed and impatient to get the next release
>> that
>> > fixes their use cases.
>> disagree. the reasons for needing this hasn't changed.
> you have not given any argument against mine.
>> let me be very plain here. if the people insisting on a release in "1
>> month" (or whatever - given some short timeframe) regardless of features,
>> todo
>> list or quality are precisely the people NOT helping with the release.
>> it's all
>> armchair experts not pitching in. if you had been, if you did, the todo
>> list
>> would be long done by now and we'd have a release. if you help with the
>> release
>> then we will get what u want - a release in a short timeframe.
> Oh you're very clear, we don't have a right to an opinion because our name
> is not Carsten. And if we do have an opinion, then you don't want to hear
> it because we're not slaves enough to listen to you and shut up when you
> say something, and if we do contribute then it doesn't matter anyways
> because we should be contributing to Carsten's vision and fixing his TODO
> list.
> Well, the "armchair expert" does not WANT to help out anymore.

calm down. the TODO is a collection of things most developers agree to
be necessary for a release. if you want a release to happen earlier
work on it.


>> --
>> ------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
>> The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com
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