On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 18:18:29 +0100 (CET) Vincent Torri <vto...@univ-evry.fr>

> Hey
> I'm talking a lot with an openBSD dev, and currently it's very hard for 
> them to follow the changes in the trunk. What they would like to have is 
> snapshots to provide easily patches for the EFL.

how is that hard? svn checkout or update instead of wget. u also need to run

> Would it be possible to have, during the freeze period, some daily 
> snashots ? It would be nice to fix the openBSD port for the release.

open to patches, but none have been submitted. if they require tarballs to
test and can't just run svn instead to fetch the source... i don't have the
time each day to make tarballs when they can just as easily fetch from svn.
it's the same work on their part. making tarballs is MORE work on our part.

> Note that i discuss also with a Mageia e17 maintainer, and he told me that 
> such snapshots will help him too.

a snapshot has no more quality than an svn checkout, so other than a mental
block thinking svn == totally unstable/unusable and an unwillingness to use it
because of a mental block, i don't see the point.

a release that has had quality assurance done on it is a different matter - but
we arent doing them every day. hell no - not with al the efl trees we have.
only chance of that is if we stopped having separate libs and just merged them
into a single efl tree.

> Vincent
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