On Sat, 5 Jan 2013 23:18:04 +1100 Dave <d...@flex.com.au> said:

>  The plan seems sensible enough.  I'll be happy to help out whatever way I
> can.
>  Virtual machines, well as far as performance goes, if the vm is doing the
> job fast enough, I don't really care what technology is used.  I haven't used
> kvm before, but shouldn't be too hard to work it out.
>  I'm not too sure of the benefits of a reverse proxy in this instance.
> It's easy enough to let iptables do dnat or load balancing, plus it's more
> convenient from an administration/maintenance perspective.

we have www.eorg, download.e.org, trac.e.org, etc. etc. ... and they all point
to the SAME ip. we don't have 20 ip's to go around - only 2. so we can't use
iptables for this. all these www domains share the same ip, thus we have to
route at the http "get" level... thus... reverse proxy.

>  By the sounds of it, top priority is migrating all services on e2 to a vm on
> the e5 system.  Which can't happen, until the vm host and router vm is
> active.  So, if monsieur beber needs help with any of these, my email address
> can be found above.

:) though.. vm's can be set up regardless. install an os (ubuntu, debian
probably best given old e2 was a debian SID setup). and then get a "dump" of
whats on e2 and have it work without routing... then its "Ready to go". it just
needs to be "updated at the last minute to latest content" before going live. 

>  Cheers,
>  dave.k
>  In the year 2013, of the month of January, on the 4th day, Carsten Haitzler
> wrote:
> > On Sun, 2 Dec 2012 14:46:34 +1100 Dave <d...@flex.com.au> said:
> > 
> > >  In the year 2012, of the month of December, on the 1st day, Cedric BAIL
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 12:20 PM, rustyBSD <rusty...@gmx.fr> wrote:
> > > > > I took 10 minutes to create a ticket, after 4 unsuccessful
> > > > > attemps, because
> > > > >
> > > > 
> > > > Yes, e2 is almost completely overloaded. We have a new beefy server,
> > > > e5, waiting to be configured and get service migrated to it, but
> > > > nobody seems to have the time to do it.
> > > 
> > >  I'm an experienced unix and database admin.  I could volunteer to move
> > > the service over, if you like.  That is, if you trust a maillist lurker
> > > like me. I trust myself, if that's any help.  ;)
> > 
> > actually we could do with people to help with:
> > 
> > 1. server maintenance
> > 2. website maintenance and improvement. we really need a "web team".
> > 
> > right now we are setting up what we call "e5". e5 (e5.enlightenment.org) is
> > our new server. it's sitting in osuosl. beber just re-installed it with
> > gentoo and set up some stuff. the goal is to use kvm+qemu for vm's. we have
> > a dedicated ip addr for the vms vs the host (e5v.enlightenment.org for the
> > vm's to share).
> > 
> > we can argue what vm to use all day - but the decision for kvm+qemu is
> > based on the fact that osuosl ALSO offer a vm host farm that they offered
> > us to use if we want, so we want our vm's to already be compatible with it
> > if we choose to make use of it. sure - it may not be the "most efficient"
> > but it'll be good enough... the hardware is good. the new server is:
> > 
> > 2x 2.2ghz E5's (so 8 real cores, 8 threads across 2 full cpu's)
> > 48gb ram
> > 2x60gb ssd's raid1'd (full redundancy, 2x read rates)
> > 4x1tb sata drivers (should be raid10'd into 1x2gb lvm, used to be, not
> > currently - beber needs to re-format/set it up - so we should get full
> > redundancy and 2x read rates)
> > 1xGbit eth
> > 
> > this is the host on which we will run vm's. the host will do basically
> > nothing but provide data storage, memory and compute  power. once its set
> > up/working we'll not touch it and just keep it security updated where
> > needed. no actual services will run on it.. they will ALL run on vm's
> > 
> > now qemu has a "host fs mount" (-virtfs i think) that allows u to expose
> > the FS from the host o the vm client. this should provide for nice ability
> > to share files directly between vm's and a way to easily "Expand data for a
> > vm"... so a vm ends up a vm rootfs image + launch config (ip etc.) + maybe
> > some host fs dir archive that it may also share with others.
> > 
> > why vm's? after years we've ended up screwing with our server and it ending
> > up a bit of a mess. never again. we can make vm's and throw them away when
> > done. we can install any distro we like. get tired of it? make a new vm
> > with a different distro and bring it online, then just re-jig routing and
> > presto. we can also now perform regular suspend/resumes and snapshots for
> > backups. we can take those backups and copy them to LOCAL desktop machines
> > at home and even run them. we can create and set up these vm's "at home"
> > and upload when ready. this will lay the basics for adding vm's for bsd,
> > windows, osx and other os's we can "get to run in kvm/qemu". we can even
> > run ARM vm's (of course totally emulated and slow - but hey... we can have
> > them). this allows for us to make bigger build and test farms and when/if
> > needed we can punt off vm's into osuosl's vm cloud.
> > 
> > so what do we need?
> > 
> > well first we need a router vm. all network has to be routed here as we
> > need to share port 80 and thus have to reverse-squid (haproxy) it to N
> > possible vm's hidden behind a "inside host machine nat". this is the onyl
> > way we can share port 80 sanely. otherwise we also need to set up ip/port
> > forwarding for other ports and services to specific vm's. this router vm
> > needs to go up.
> > 
> > then we need to make a vm with the current www site - just www. not trac
> > etc.
> > 
> > we then need a vm with CURRENT trac+svn set up and working so we can bring
> > it online and keep working.
> > 
> > we'd be smart to make a SEPARATE download vm just to make it easier to
> > isolate/track.
> > 
> > it'd be nice to mode www.e.org/ss to a vm for user provided content (along
> > with exchange etc.).
> > 
> > we need a new vm with git + phabricator for moving to git. when this is
> > ready, bring it online and then look at migrating projects from svn+trac to
> > git+phab. when we have migrated it all over, we decommission trac+svn vm
> > and never see it again.
> > 
> > we need a buildbot vm. we need a doc generating/hosting vm (building docs
> > requires we compile all of efl fyi and so it needs to compile efl ANd then
> > install the compiled docs too). we can set up vm's for other os builds etc.
> > as needed... we could balance out some services too. e1 and e2 (our 2 very
> > old servers in osuosl) will go away, but e3 & e4 are 2 more we have running
> > in france. they currently do a bunch of buildbot work. we can have them do
> > more. they are just very limited in storage space.
> > 
> > nb - exactly what vm's come up and what they look like is a flexible detail,
> > but we NEED a router vm. we NEED a trac+svn vm, we NEED a git+phab vm, then
> > we need a docs vm. everything else is pretty much fluid. it could live on
> > the docs vm. i don't much care.
> > 
> > so... that's here as a "blurt out the "understanding of plans". we do
> > intend to move to git+phab - we just need a transition. we need to move
> > over to our new server first though. the old one (e2) is likely to die at
> > any time. it's been going without anything like a disk crash for like over
> > 6 years... :) its raid controller is having problems (battery backup is
> > unhappy). :)
> > 
> > so if you can help - please talk with beber (on the list here for example)
> > and make plans. if the above sounds vaguely sensible - then find. if its
> > not - debate, though there has been a lot. i dont want to make things more
> > complex than needed. we dont need to over-engineer things. we just need to
> > be in a situation where we no longer screw up the one and only server
> > install we have (vm's as explained above) and can easily decommission old
> > ones and bring up new ones and migrate as needed.
> > 
> > > > > Now that it works I wrongly hoped that I could join the backtrace,
> > > > > and now it tells me
> > > > >
> > > > >  Submission rejected as potential spam
> > > > >
> > > > > So, here is the backtrace.
> > > > 
> > > > Ah ah ah. He has some spirit, mike did you do that to get less bug
> > > > report ? :-)
> > > > --
> > > > Cedric BAIL
> > > > 
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> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > ------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
> > The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com
> > 

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com

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