In the year 2013, of the month of January, on the 6th day, Carsten Haitzler 
> On Sat, 5 Jan 2013 23:18:04 +1100 Dave <> said:
> > 
> >  I'm not too sure of the benefits of a reverse proxy in this instance.
> > It's easy enough to let iptables do dnat or load balancing, plus it's more
> > convenient from an administration/maintenance perspective.
> we have www.eorg,,, etc. etc. ... and they all point
> to the SAME ip. we don't have 20 ip's to go around - only 2. so we can't use
> iptables for this. all these www domains share the same ip, thus we have to
> route at the http "get" level... thus... reverse proxy.

 Since the websites point to the same IP, and I assume they all reside on the
same server, it's possible to use a virutal hosting web service config.  This
relies on the http "Host" header (required with any http command, especially
if it's http1.1) to differentiate the different websites.  A reverse proxy
would do exactly the same thing.  May as well cut the chain shorter and just
forward the connection directly to the web server itself.

 If you do need to temporarily reverse proxy any website, as part of
migration, then Apache can do this individually on a per virtual host basis.

> >  By the sounds of it, top priority is migrating all services on e2 to a vm 
> > on
> > the e5 system.  Which can't happen, until the vm host and router vm is
> > active.  So, if monsieur beber needs help with any of these, my email 
> > address
> > can be found above.
> :) though.. vm's can be set up regardless. install an os (ubuntu, debian
> probably best given old e2 was a debian SID setup). and then get a "dump" of
> whats on e2 and have it work without routing... then its "Ready to go". it 
> just
> needs to be "updated at the last minute to latest content" before going live. 

 Rsync is your friend here.  Create a shell script with the appropriate rsync
commands, run it once to do the bulk transfer, then run it again just before
doing the switch.  I've done this many times when moving a Linux server from
physical to virtual, copying the whole system, not just service files.  Most
of these switchovers are done in under a minute.


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