On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 16:15:04 +1100 Dave <d...@flex.com.au> said:

>  In the year 2013, of the month of January, on the 6th day, Carsten Haitzler
> wrote:
> > On Sat, 5 Jan 2013 23:18:04 +1100 Dave <d...@flex.com.au> said:
> > > 
> > >  I'm not too sure of the benefits of a reverse proxy in this instance.
> > > It's easy enough to let iptables do dnat or load balancing, plus it's more
> > > convenient from an administration/maintenance perspective.
> > 
> > we have www.eorg, download.e.org, trac.e.org, etc. etc. ... and they all
> > point to the SAME ip. we don't have 20 ip's to go around - only 2. so we
> > can't use iptables for this. all these www domains share the same ip, thus
> > we have to route at the http "get" level... thus... reverse proxy.
>  Since the websites point to the same IP, and I assume they all reside on the
> same server, it's possible to use a virutal hosting web service config.  This
> relies on the http "Host" header (required with any http command, especially
> if it's http1.1) to differentiate the different websites.  A reverse proxy
> would do exactly the same thing.  May as well cut the chain shorter and just
> forward the connection directly to the web server itself.

that's what we currently do... BUT we are going to split them to run on
different vm's - thus there needs to be a reverse proxy of some sort (reverse
squid, haproxy... doesn't much matter :)).

>  If you do need to temporarily reverse proxy any website, as part of
> migration, then Apache can do this individually on a per virtual host basis.
> > >  By the sounds of it, top priority is migrating all services on e2 to a
> > > vm on the e5 system.  Which can't happen, until the vm host and router vm
> > > is active.  So, if monsieur beber needs help with any of these, my email
> > > address can be found above.
> > 
> > :) though.. vm's can be set up regardless. install an os (ubuntu, debian
> > probably best given old e2 was a debian SID setup). and then get a "dump" of
> > whats on e2 and have it work without routing... then its "Ready to go". it
> > just needs to be "updated at the last minute to latest content" before
> > going live. 
>  Rsync is your friend here.  Create a shell script with the appropriate rsync
> commands, run it once to do the bulk transfer, then run it again just before
> doing the switch.  I've done this many times when moving a Linux server from
> physical to virtual, copying the whole system, not just service files.  Most
> of these switchovers are done in under a minute.

i know. :) i use rsync every day... been using it since like.. 1998 or so for my
own homedir. :) it depends how much data needs to be copied and how lazy you
are... and how good your link is. my link at home is 100mbit... so i get rather
lazy (i can sustain 30mbit or so between home and e.org and that link goes
across the pacific). :) it all depends on who does it. sure. rsync will do the
job. :) just pointing out that the setup can be done "given current state/data"
so all the right packages, config etc. is there and working and then just a
"last minute update before switching" can be done... it can even be done direct
from e2 to e5 that live in the same datacenter... :) 100mbit then :)

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com

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