
On 11/01/13 07:21, Nicolas Aguirre wrote:
> I don't think so, cross compilation is better in any case, it's faster,
> it's easy, and it's already present in almost all recent distributions.
> It's also easy to build for 32 and 64 architecture with no extra cost.
> About the windows version i don't know exatcly but i think you're right
> with xp you should target all later versions.
> if you want to set up your machine for a build, Vincent did a build of all
> dependencies
> http://dev.enlightenment.fr/~doursse/efl_dep.zip it's for 32bits only
> architecture.
> Then you need to install mingw-w64 and gcc-mingw-w64-i686
> Once unzip you only need to export few env vars :
> base=`pwd`
> export TARGET=i686-w64-mingw32
> export MINGW_PREFIX="$base/package/"

I had to remove the packgae here as the zip unpacks without any package 
subdir for me. Only change I did to this.

> export CPPFLAGS="-I$MINGW_PREFIX/include -I$MINGW_PREFIX/include/evil-1
> -I$MINGW_PREFIX/include/freetype2"
> export PATH="$HOME/local/opt/mingw-w64-x86_32/bin:$MINGW_PREFIX/bin:$PATH"
> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$MINGW_PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig"
> export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$MINGW_PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig"
> and then you can compile as usual efl :
> ./autogen.sh --prefix=$MINGW_PREFIX --host=$TARGET --disable-static

Thanks for posting this. And major thanks to Vtorri to prepare all this.

> That's all, it's really easy, and we don't need a real windows machine for
> that.
> Of course if you want automated it's better, but i don't think we have man
> power for this.

I did take a stab and integrating this into my local jenkins here today. 
I made some good progress but run out of motivation for more work. My 
configure line looks like this now:

./autogen.sh --prefix=$MINGW_PREFIX --host=$TARGET --disable-static 
--with-crypto=none --disable-physics --disable-gstreamer 
--with-tests=none --disable-fribidi --disable-image-loader-gif 

This is mainly due to workaround not having pre-compiled stuff for 
things like giflib, check, etc.

After that I had to discover that someone was happy to do changes to the 
ecore_evas w32 engine without bothering to test or even simply check a 
variable is declared before assigning to it. :/

I fixed up the most bogus things and that part builds now. Next was 
eina_mmap failing due to stuff no available on Windows. Here I lost 

So yes, setting it up is easy and not that much trouble. If someone 
takes up on thsi I might even consider leaving this automated build for 
mingw in once I move our jenkins stuff out to e5. But it only makes 
sense if people want the build to work for w32. Personally I don't have 
any use of it.

Stefan Schmidt

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