On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 6:46 AM, Felipe Magno de Almeida
<felipe.m.alme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 22, 2016 9:22 AM, "Daniel Kolesa" <dan...@octaforge.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 1:04 AM, Felipe Magno de Almeida
>> <felipe.m.alme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > it is the _perfect_ match IMO. Probably we should ask someone
>> > that actually uses Lua about it, instead of guessing.
>> I'm inclined to agree with raster here. I honestly don't see
>> coroutines being a good match here - the API is one thing, and there
>> is one other thing to consider that wasn't brought up and that is
>> performance - coroutines cannot be JITed and for async stuff we'll be
>> jumping across C-Lua border all the time over classic C API rather
>> than fast FFI stuff (it will also add a significant amount of new
>> runtime on C side, which I would rather avoid) which will abort traces
>> and hurt perf.
> Not using coroutines because of performance in lua doesn't seem like a good
> reason at all IMO.


Just focusing here on the performance issue. If you think that
coroutine are going to be a performance issue for promise, I think
this raise two points to discuss. First how good is the JIT on short
function, because if we go with events/callbacks, we will endup with
very short snippet of code. I don't know for lua jit, but most JIT I
know about are bad with short code anyway (It will literray come from
C, execute a small amount of code and go back to C). So I don't really
see why coroutine will be any worse than events/callbacks in that

Second point, if you are concerned by performance, then why is it a
good idea to switch to an eo object at all. We are now going to pay a
way higher price for an API that will be wrapped in C to be convenient
and manually binded in all bindings. So where do people still see any
win at all into moving to an eo object ?
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