
I still don't get it why promises should be an all-or-nothing thing. It must
be usable for all scenarios possible or we should drop it and
live with events which are impossible to translate to the real semantics
of asynchronous operations (I'm calling an asynchronous operation
one that returns a value asynchronously) to bindings that already have
a concept of asynchronous operations.

One example is making promises open to add new events through
inheritance. However, let's say that it is really desirable, so we can
all compromise on a middle term, we need to have a way to support
that in bindings in a way that is natural in the binding languages, and
IMO that is the _most_important_part_ and I have been repeating
myself about this since I introduced the promise idea in january, but
let me repeat again:

Promises must be a way to have well-defined-semantics for bindings
to be able to translate that to what is natural and native in the binding
languages. The whole efl interfaces effort, afaik, is not about C API,
because we already have a stable C API! We need to think about
bindings too, because the efl interfaces effort is, afaik, about having
usable efl interface api for bindings, which we don't have yet. We
can't create bad C APIs in the process ofc, but, afaik, this is not
about creating new C APIs.

I work on most bindings for EFL, so yeah, I'll be very annoying about
it, because I don't want to create bad bindings. I don't think anybody
wants to work to do bad things, I'm not different. I want to be
proud of what I deliver. And that means writing bindings that people
will want to use, and not that people will curse me because they
_have_ to use it. Also, I think it will help EFL a lot if we get it
to be used by more languages.

So, bindings already know the special relationship between derived
classes of Future (I'm using cedric's nomenclature here) and
translate new events directly. So I think this is doable. With the
lifetime thing, well, for bindings I don't care if we drop it any
automagical things because bindings will deal it correctly. So
that makes things easier. Implementing data models in C
might be a little less sexy, but still way easier than using events
and caching all things and etc.

The separation between Future and Promise, IMO, is good.
About the runtime-checking, I think there's a misconception here.
Eo is about runtime-checking indeed. But Eolian is about
generating interfaces that are not necessarily runtime-checked.
C++ is _not_ runtime-checked. So, if things belong to multiple
interfaces, then it should be in two different interfaces IMO.
Otherwise C++ programmers will assume they can value_set
a future/promise they received from another function. And
sometimes they will be right, it is not prohibited to return
promise_owners and it was an idea that almost worked for
genlists to get style from through events, it just didn't work
because genlist must get the style synchronously and not
asynchronously. So, separating the side that value_set
from the side that listens to value_set makes things
way clearer of the API intent.

However, as long as it uses different nomenclatures in
Eolian, I can separate them in C++ in generation.

Felipe Magno de Almeida

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