On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 6:42 PM, Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Jun 2016 10:38:13 -0700 Cedric BAIL <cedric.b...@free.fr> said:
>> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 6:46 AM, Felipe Magno de Almeida
>> <felipe.m.alme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Jun 22, 2016 9:22 AM, "Daniel Kolesa" <dan...@octaforge.org> wrote:
>> >> On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 1:04 AM, Felipe Magno de Almeida
>> >> <felipe.m.alme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> > it is the _perfect_ match IMO. Probably we should ask someone
>> >> > that actually uses Lua about it, instead of guessing.
>> >>
>> >> I'm inclined to agree with raster here. I honestly don't see
>> >> coroutines being a good match here - the API is one thing, and there
>> >> is one other thing to consider that wasn't brought up and that is
>> >> performance - coroutines cannot be JITed and for async stuff we'll be
>> >> jumping across C-Lua border all the time over classic C API rather
>> >> than fast FFI stuff (it will also add a significant amount of new
>> >> runtime on C side, which I would rather avoid) which will abort traces
>> >> and hurt perf.
>> >
>> > Not using coroutines because of performance in lua doesn't seem like a good
>> > reason at all IMO.
>> <snip>
>> Just focusing here on the performance issue. If you think that
>> coroutine are going to be a performance issue for promise, I think
>> this raise two points to discuss. First how good is the JIT on short
>> function, because if we go with events/callbacks, we will endup with
>> very short snippet of code. I don't know for lua jit, but most JIT I
>> know about are bad with short code anyway (It will literray come from
>> C, execute a small amount of code and go back to C). So I don't really
>> see why coroutine will be any worse than events/callbacks in that
>> case.
>> Second point, if you are concerned by performance, then why is it a
>> good idea to switch to an eo object at all. We are now going to pay a
>> way higher price for an API that will be wrapped in C to be convenient
>> and manually binded in all bindings. So where do people still see any
>> win at all into moving to an eo object ?
> just speaking of the eo promise performance thing - here is a summary of
> discussions i've had with both jpeg and tasn:
> 1. for the vast majority of usage promises are not common and thus not an 
> issue

I am not to sure of this assesment. As we are going for more
asynchronous behavior, we will use it a lot more. I am specifically
worried about our use in the new list view which will likely be a big
user of it. We may be able to reduce pressure by doing groupped
binding, still not sure at all how that can be done with model
intereception (Will require some time before such an optimization can

> 2. performance issues in creating and destroying eo objects are not unique to
> promises, so omptimizing to make them faster will help ALL eo objects.

How many object will have a life time and a cycle as short as a
promise ? Not many in my opinion. We do try hard to recycle object
everywhere for that reason. Sure, it is nice to optimize and bet that
we can optimize it later if necessary, but still why pay the cost in
the first place ?

> 3. we already have the ability to optimize with del intercepts. we could
> actually make a del intercept at the class level (which makes much more sense
> for the following)... we can cache objects. since caching will only be
> effective on objects that don't change a lot from their constructed state to
> their destructed one (promises for example do not change much). so when
> destruction is about to begin... cache the object somewhere, and now we need 
> to
> also extend construction to allow there to be a lookup for a cached object. my
> point here is that we can add caching class by class easily enough and all we
> need is maybe 10-20 cached promise objects floating about at most and pick 
> them
> from the cache each time we need one. chances are this will address pretty 
> much
> all the performance issues. the only other is calling methods on a promise via
> eo is slower but really... how much will that really matetr given that 100's 
> of
> other eo calls will happen as well at the same time to handle the result of a
> promise etc. etc. - it's a rounding error of difference at best in the overall
> performance of efl

With all the complexity added in going with an eo object, let's just
say, that maybe we will find a way to get performance kinda ok and
maybe find some useful case where eo api does help in some way. So
here is my current proposal on how we can do a promise with eo with
the constraint as outlined by tom (no overriding of the reference
count infrastructure). First example of the api for user :

Example 1:

eo_future_use(&destination, efl_file_set(obj, file, key));
eo_future_then(destination, _then, _cancel, _progress, NULL);
eo_future_cancel(destination); // No barking on NULL

Example 2:

eo_future_use(&destination, efl_file_set(obj, file, key));
eo_future_then(destination, _then1, _cancel1, _progress1, NULL);
eo_future_then(destination, _then2, _cancel2, _progress2, NULL);
eo_future_use(&chain, eo_future_chain_then(destination, _then_chain,
_cancel_chain, NULL, NULL));
eo_future_use(&all, eo_future_all(destination, destination1,
destination2, chain));
eo_future_then(all, _then_all, _cancel_all, _progress_all, NULL);
eo_future_link(obj, all); // We need to register a proper then/cancel
callback to handle linking eo object with promise

Example 3:

eo_future_then(efl_file_set(obj, file, key), _then, _cancel, NULL, NULL);

Example 4:

eo_future_use(&destination, efl_file_set(obj, file, key));
some->where = eo_ref(destination);
f = eo_future_value_get(some->where);

On a returned promise, you can use as many time as you want
eo_promise_use and eo_ref, but any other function call will trigger
the fullfillment of that said promise. The trick here is in
eo_future_use, which will be a wrapper on top of eo_wref_add. As
eo_wref_add is an eo API that can be overriden and we can change the
life cycle of the promise that way. Of course, now all promise need to
actually be an Efl.Loop_User as they depend on the return on the main
loop to notice that no call has been made on them and that they are
unused. This means that evas will depend on ecore.

On the other side the provider of a future will do :

p = eo_promise_add(parent);
f = eo_promise_future_get(p);
eo_promise_link(obj, p); // due to restriction on future API, we can
not make any call in the provider on the future, so we need a
promise_link also
eo_override(f, EO_OVERRIDE_OPS(replace_eo_future_cancel));
eo_promise_value_set(p, stuff, stuff_free_cb);
return f;

We will use Tom suggested solution by providing one object that is a
promise and future at the same time, but Eo_Promise and Eo_Future type
will be opaque, so we will get proper type checking in C.

As their is no point on using eo callback infrastructure at all, we
will just reuse the same function prototype for consistency, but won't
use the callback infrastructure. This way we will have consistency and
people will just have to do some cast as they do with every other
events. The event structure for chained then (that return a new
promise), will contain the value, the source future and the
destination promise, while the the non chained one will just contain
the future and the value.

Since we can't make any change to the life cycle of an eo object that
use eo_ref/unref/del, the rule will be that a future can't be
fullfilled until all reference have been removed. This means that you
should not use eo_ref/eo_unref and store a future pointer anywhere
else than on the stack and temporarily. If you want to keep it around,
eo_future_use is the only way. It also means that eo_del make no sense
and its behavior to kill the parent will be a problem. As the future
and the promise are the same object, they can only have one parent. So
eo_parent_set will be disabled, except on constructor/destructor and
internal use. In the same sense, eo_del will be trowing a warning and
be render useless as it will be confusing to have it.

This is pretty much the proposal I can sanely push on top of Eo (For a
certain definition of sane). I still see no win at all into doing it
(and I do see a lot of cost into doing it), but whatever I have raised
my opinion and nobody really care, so...
Cedric BAIL

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