On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 1:10 AM, Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Jan 2017 19:54:37 -0700 Michael Jennings <m...@eterm.org> said:
>> > Let the bikeshedding begin! :)
>> Well, since you asked....  ;-)
>> Bill Joy (creator of "vi") once said, "Vi was created for a world that
>> no longer exists."  I think it's safe to say that the same is true of
>> autotools.  Most commercial UNIX flavors are dead, or may as well be,
>> at least for E's purposes.  Plus, FreeBSD offers Linux compatibility,
>> and the most-used devices are mobile/embedded now anyway.  The days
>> for which autoconf and libtool were created are past us.
> correct. that's one major justification for "the value autotools once provides
> no longer is enough to justify it's downsides". :)
>> I think Git proves that Kconfig can be both powerful and portable in
>> the modern age, so I tend to recommend it nowadays.  CMake is also a
>> solid option.  I tend to advise against the custom home-grown shell
>> script since it's going to involve a lot of wheel re-invention, and
>> Kconfig/CMake will almost certainly out-perform it...but it will still
>> beat auto*/libtool.
> realistically though... we need very little re-invented. we need:

look at the configure script of ffmpeg. You could copy-paste a lot of
useful things.


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