Christian Pedaschus wrote:

>i'm using gentoo and i have absolutely no probs (sometimes i'm really
>surprised what problems some users have...)
>but i also read the docs and listen to the devs and so don't run
>extra_modules and such things, perhaps this is a reason, too ;)
>but my advice would be to check other distros, there are a lot of nice
>ones out there in comparision to suse (if it's the only one you used
>'till now)
>and if you're not the uber-linux-pro i would recommend gentoo, because
>it helped me to understand the linux-internals and bash the easy way
>very quickly...
>not ment offensive to all the debian/redhat/putyourdistrohere users,
>everybody should use what he likes, but for this, you have to try and see ;)
>greets, chris
supposing a less deep understanding of users using other distros isn't
fair, and therefore its better to avoid that.

The point with *any* distros is its future. Has it one or not?

In case of basically commercial distros like suse I am not sure whether
the upcoming open edition has a future or not.

What do you think of ubuntu ?

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