On Monday, 27 August 2007, at 07:45:08 (+0900),
Carsten Haitzler wrote:

> yes - and the bad bit is - this conflicts with code for the config
> gui. the fact is that almost every app on the planet provides a GUI
> (built in) to configure itself - preferences dialogs for firefox,
> settings dialogs for gimp.  almost NONE provide "remote
> control". most of the time people don't care - and don't need it.

This is, of course, not true.  Most systems, including firefox
(prefs.js) and GIMP (gimprc, et al.), use text-based configurations
which do not require specialized "remote control" tools beyond a
simple text editor.  But even they provide mechanisms for controlling
program behavior from afar, from JavaScript and Script-Fu to special
command line parameters.

An automated way of manipulating program configuration is both wanted
and needed.

The current implementation of E IPC is pretty ugly, yes.  That doesn't
mean IPC is bad.  It means the IPC code was not designed properly.


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  http://www.kainx.org/  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux Server/Cluster Admin, LBL.gov       Author, Eterm (www.eterm.org)
 "Pleure pas petite sirene, la ville dort encore.  Ton histoire
  commence a peine.  Pleure pas petite sirene, le jour attend dehors
  dans les brumes et les fontaines."                 -- Francis Cabrel

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