Le 21/07/2010 10:09, Cédric Tabin a écrit :
> Hello guys,
> Since a few days I have some unpredictable problems with e17 on my gentoo :
> the desktop freezes very weirdly. I can move the mouse, and the
> terminal/application having the focus still receives keyboard input, but I
> cannot change desktop or focus another application.
> If I switch to tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1), and I execute ps aux | grep
> enlightenment here
> is what I see :
> user    4753  1.2  1.4  96616 44136 ?        DL   09:55   0:06
> /usr/bin/enlightenment
> user    4948  0.0  0.0   7140  1776 ?        SN   09:55   0:00
> /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/battery/linux-gnu-i686-ver-pre-svn-07/batget
> 256
> user   17673  0.0  0.0   3996   828 pts/3    RN+  10:03   0:00 grep
> --colour=auto enlightenment
> It seems that e17 is waiting for something (D = uninterruptible wait)...
> When it comes to this state, it's really annoying because a killall -9
> enlightenment doesn't kill the process ! Moreover, I cannot turn off
> 'normally' my computer...
> I'm using revision 50370 of the e17 repository.
> Does some of you have that kind of problem ? Where can I look at to know
> what's the problem ?

same here with the 2.6.34. You're not alone ;)

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