Mandi! James M. Pulver
  In chel di` si favelave...

> > Also, if we have to switch to policy, please have the 
> > distribution/policies.json
> > to be non-monolithic: have a single file is a bit rigid nowadays, where
> > modern configuration files work on split-files.
> > 
> > Eg, make the parser load not only 'distribution/policies.json' but also
> > (for examples) 'distribution/policies/*.json' with 'policy snippets'.

> I'm guessing if you're deploying policies as policies.json you probably 
> can template it in your configuration management tool. I find this is 
> where erb templates shine in puppet for instance.

I'm using WPKG for now, but, yes, i can template.

But is really really too much easy to put policy snippets in a

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