Hello Gerard,

I will try to give some information AFAIK.

If you use ECF, or 'automatic choosing of FP' and you set the lens to M, the
camera doesn't know under which FP the subject is placed. So it switches to
the most logical point: the central point.

In case you use manual choosing of the FP and you set the appropiate CF,
then the metering is linked to the choosen FP. If you then switch the lens
to M, the camera still 'knows' under which FP the subject is placed, so it
will use this FP as measuring

With Flash, the chosen FP wil be spot-metered, to determine the correct
flash-light for the subject under that FP. The surrounding has no importance
for this measurement.

For the ambient measurement the camera has to meter 'the rest' so evaluative
should be the most logical choiche, because this is the default, and you
could give less weight to the chosen FP (As this is already used by the
flash), and more weight to the surrounding points of this FP.

Ofcourse Canon can also have chosen to meter ambient totaly independly and
than they return to the default center-point, and default evaluativ
metering. IMHO I think this is the case, at least with the older bodies.

In case you have chosen a different metering-pattern than evaluativ, you
have two possibilities: Spot or Center-weighted. Spot isn't logical, so that
choice will be over-ruled. The difference between Center-Weighted and
Evaluativ (as being just 'smart'
CW) is so little and usualy in the plus for evaluative, that it is IMHO
logical to always over-rule your choice of metering-pattern.

I hope this all helps you to give some light.


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