----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Parrott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <eos@a1.nl>
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 7:32 PM
Subject: EOS Too many megapixels?

I am really anxious to see some in-depth tests on the new 1Ds Mk. 3. A thought comes to mind. Are more and more pixels really a good thing on the same size sensor? The point and shoot cameras have horrible noise at high ISO due to cramming too many pixels on the tiny sensors. The general public thinks the bigger the MP number, the "better" the camera, but we know that is not the case. The 1Ds started life with a 35mm sized sensor with 11.3 MP. Then it went to 16 MP, and now 21.1 MP ... all on the same size sensor. Will it reach a point that quality begins to diminish because the sensor is being "stuffed" with too many pixels? When the rumors were flying that new lenses might be required for the new 1Ds it made sense to me because I figured Canon would increase the physical size of the sensor to accommodate the higher pixel count. The Hasselblad H3 cameras with up to 39 MP, plus the digital backs such as the Phase One, are based on medium format cameras and the sensors are MUCH larger than the 35mm "full frame" size of the 1Ds. In fact, the "full frame" sensor of the 1Ds looks like a joke compared to the digital backs and the Hasselblad.

So is Canon playing the higher MP game to pry more money from our pockets when there may not be a true benefit? As I said, I am really curious to see the tests on this camera. I guess in a way I am hoping it is not such a great camera so I will not be tempted to spend the money for it to replace my original 11.3 1Ds. ;-)


When the 1D mk III came out, one of the improvements to its sensor was a closer spacing of the pixels, so that the 10mp had the same pixel pitch as the older 8mp sensor. If the 1Ds mkIII uses the same spacing, the 21mp should have the same pixel pitch as the old 16mp mkII. By extension, the 5D's successor could go as high as 15.7mp and still have the same pixel pitch as the current 5D's 12.7 mp. By the way, the "full frame" sensor of the 1Ds mkIII is less of a joke compared to the less than 6x4.5 sensor of "Medium Format" digitals than the actual 35mm film frame was compared to real MF...
Skip Middleton
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