On 1 November 2016 at 16:50, Tom Boutell <t...@punkave.com> wrote:
> Stephen, good question... I was looking here:
> https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/scls/rhscl/rh-mongodb26/
> Which came up first in Google for rhsc mongodb, but that's not right. I 
> should have been looking here:
> https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/rhscl
> The Software Collections pages are so much more SEO-friendly it's not 
> surprising I wound up in the wrong place.
> OK, so does this "RHSC will maintain 2.6 until October 2018" policy mean that 
> it's reasonable to expect the EPEL package to just leverage that work and 
> keep on trucking until then?

I don't know if it is reasonable for several reasons.

1. We have no access (no pun intended) to those packages. [Yes the
person packages mongodb in Fedora works for Red Hat but that does not
mean they have access to the bits that another group is doing for SCL
2. SCL packages use their own form of magic and have their own
solutions to security issues. This can mean what they do for a
particular package won't work outside of an SCL environment. [This may
not be the case for mongodb.. I don't know enough to say yes/no.]

Stephen J Smoogen.
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