Hi TS... nice to make your acquaintance....I guess you just don't have
the interest, now.... but if you ever do, I suggest that you try some
of the "classical" so-called philosophers... instead of taoist shamans
or metaphysical quasi-religious sorts , like buddhists or
tanscendentalists and such as a way toward understanding things...
folks like Plato ( beginning Idealism) or Aristotle (beginning
Realism) or Kant (beginning Phenomenology)  or W.of  Ockham (beginning
Nominalism) ... then you can go to the ones (other philosophers)  who
took the original threads and carried them on in different
ways....Anyway, my own very general way of understanding it is that
there's a basic division in Reality and a thinking being's
understanding of it... a sort of interplay between the thinking brain
and the outside world it tries to understand (alog with self-
consciously understanding itself, of course)... the difference is
basically one between the Idea and the Thing... otherwise put as the
Concept and the Reference...Mind and Matter

Idealists think that both the Idea and the Thing are subjective,
entirely dependent on what the self-conscious brain ultimately thinks"
they (Concept and Reference) are... SUBJECTIVE

Realists think that both the Idea and the Thing are objective,
entirely dependent on what the Thing forces the self-conscious brain
to understand about them (Concept and Reference)... OBJECTIVE

Nominalists think that there's a split in the way the self-conscious
brain and the outside reality operate....The self -conscious brain
operates subjectively as to its own Ideas (or Concept) but the Thing
is completely separated or foreign from the self-conscious brain and
the Thing  (or Reference) is itself objectively controlled by its own
ways and means of being and operation... SUBJECTIVE / OBJECTIVE

Phenomenologists also think that there's a split  in the way the self-
conscious brain and the outside reality operate... but
Phenomenologists posit that the self-conscious brain operates
objectively and that the self conscious brain contains a perfect Idea
(or Concept) of what the Template or  "Essence" of all outside reality
Things should be... the outside reality Things then become mere
subjective or imperfect manifestations of those perfect

Now, my guess is that as a self-described taoist shaman.... you might
tend toward the Phenomenological view of ideas and things....

Whereas myself, I am a Nominalist leaning Person when it come to my
view of ideas and things...

Can You see that you and I would tend to think just the opposite at a
very fundamental level?


On Apr 13, 5:11 pm, the taoist shaman <bryan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> thats way too much reading , and very confusing , im not familiar w/
> proper terms  , am i a realist or a dreamer i think was the subject of
> the reading , but i only skimmed it so , ? all dreamers see themselves
> as realist or the dream would be dead. i am a defeated dreamer , like
> the living dead u know !
> nominal9 wrote:
> > Ever Hear of William of Ockham.... Nominalism... more as an "empirical
> > way" to think rather that as the opinions that you or anyone should
> > hold....?
> >http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ockham/
> >http://plato.stanford.edu/search/searcher.py?query=Nominalism
> >http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/nominalism-metaphysics/
> >http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/realism/
> > Idealism... Realism.... Phenomenology...Nominalism
> > Anyway... there's a lot of them... after a while... others (and after
> > them me too) started to see "patterns" or threads between them and
> > thought that most "philosophies" fall under one of the above broad
> > headings.... and that they differ
> > logically one heading from the nextr.... anyway, I chose
> > nominalism.... you may want to consider decidiing or trying to
> > understand which one you yourself prefer....I was about your age when
> > I tried to make my choice decision judgment....
> > Mind's Eye....
> > THAR be Censors THAR....
> > Censors Be folks who thinks they knows it All...  when they really
> > don't know shit...
> >  It's important to know shit, at least. HAR....
> > On Mar 30, 6:54 pm, the taoist shaman <bryan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > how long before all the welth is held by a small group , and what
> > > happens to the rest of us ? is there a way to stop the storm on the
> > > horizon , or is there no storm at all ?

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