On Sep 9, 2010, at 4:06 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

> 1. It's premature to standardize something so new. Again, the "Array extras" 
> (map, filter, etc.) have been a de-facto standard for years, getters and 
> setters for over a decade, bind-like library methods and JSON for quite a 
> long while.
> 2. I didn't know this till yesterday, but the Bespin (Skywriter, gag ;-) team 
> at Mozilla tried using traits.js and had to stop, because it was consuming 
> too much memory. I understand that this is from the pervasive use in the 
> library of |this|-binding and copying to instance properties of all methods, 
> along with other uses of closures. There is no prototypal sharing of method, 
> or anything like vtables.
> Some of this could be optimized by aggressively-optimizing VMs, but it 
> carries a heavy intrinsic cost.
> I think this is the key issue.

Points 1 and 3 are worth addressing, if you are game.

> Tom and I designed the traits library so that the expected common pattern of 
> use would be easily optimizable by VMs, with no surprising intrinsic costs. 
> If we missed the mark -- if there are indeed hidden costs lurking here that 
> we missed -- that would be interesting.

You may recall the posts I made at the time:


> The "expected common pattern" which we expect to be optimizable needs to be 
> stated clearly. Loosely, it is when trait composition is sufficiently 
> statically analyzable that it can be expanded as if to a call to Trait.create 
> with a literal property-descriptor-map argument. 
> We also discussed that this is a good reason to couple VM support with 
> special syntax -- so the special syntax can sugar only (primarily?) that 
> pattern which can be handled efficiently. The full library would still be 
> available for expressiveness of patterns that we don't expect VMs to optimize.

It's true, syntax can help optimizability (and usability). But we never heard a 
proposal and it's hard to make one up without worrying about how |this|-binding 
works in detail, e.g. Does a call go through a vtable in the case where the 
method is invoked via a property reference, otherwise a bound method object is 
created (for the escaping funarg case)?

And so on, in sufficient detail to see a path to trial implementation and 
interoperable observable semantics, including approximate or asymptotic cost 


> 3. The design, in trying to catch conflicts, copies this-bound methods, 
> freezes objects, and avoids prototype-based delegation. Beyond the costs in 
> 2, this makes for a harshly bright line between Object.create and 
> Trait.create, and although it is cool that the two systems complement each 
> other, more "traditional" JS hackers arguably want prototype-based 
> delegation, even though it may carry a shadowing conflict risk down the road. 
> Some JS hackers even want mutability, with spot-checks for conflicts instead 
> of "for all/ever" guarantees.
> These are not points we've discussed enough in committee, since we didn't 
> talk about traits again since March. As noted, some details are news to me, 
> but good to hear later instead of never.
> Points 2 and 3 are related: traits.js aims at higher integrity, for robust 
> composition, than many JS hackers prefer and would choose (from what I hear, 
> now -- I'd be happy to hear stories of successful adoption of the 
> traitsjs.org code to counter the Bespin experience).
> A number of people, and I'm one of them having heard all the feedback so far 
> (although I cited the costs listed in 2 on this list when the proposal was 
> first posted), believe that this "integrity trade-off" should not be forced 
> by blessing one fairly costly and near-extreme point in the trade-off space 
> as a core language feature.
> This gets back to point 1. It also relates to the recent objections to 
> zero-inheritance "classes as sugar", which have high integrity but no 
> inheritance.
> /be
>> -- Dirk
>> On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 3:13 AM, Tom Van Cutsem <tomvc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> There's no mistake that dedicated syntax for traits would help users and
>>> implementors alike. However, while I (or others) could definitely come up
>>> with a 'traits-as-sugar', or even a 'traits-as-a-new-value' proposal, that
>>> still wouldn't solve the version evolution problem associated with trait
>>> composition (or any other traditional inheritance mechanism). As long as
>>> this remains a deal-breaker, I don't think it's worth looking into
>>> alternative traits proposals.
>>> As Dave said, traits.js is out there for people to experiment with. Any
>>> feedback on usability issues of the design in its current form are highly
>>> appreciated.
>>> 2010/9/9 David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com>
>>>>> Agreed; perhaps my question was not clear. If there was a Traits-like
>>>>> proposal that did include new syntax, would you be against it because
>>>>> you can implement something similar as a library without needing new
>>>>> semantics, or would you be more inclined to reserve judgement until
>>>>> you could actually review a proposal and see what the proposed
>>>>> benefits were?
>>>> The latter (speaking for myself, of course).
>>>> Dave
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>     Cheers,
>     --MarkM
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