> Also, the duality of Object.create vs Traits.create accommodates traditional 
> vs high integrity quite well -- without AFAICT compromising either.

It creates a false choice, though (all or nothing). IIUC, with Object.create, 
you don't even get the conflict checking. And then you've really lost the key 
benefit of traits.

I think there's room for alternatives in the traits space -- for example, 
something similar wrt trait composition, but that didn't bind |this| or freeze. 
That way, you could still integrate traits with the existing prototype system. 
For example, to compose traits to create an object that you then use as the 
prototype for a constructor. This would allow for the "vtables" approach and 
would also give you the ability to specify initialization behavior to invoke on 
instantiation, which you can't do with traits.js.


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