
Not a long time ago we also started using traits at [Jetpack](
http://mozillalabs.com/jetpack/) and so far it seems to work pretty well for
us. In contrast to bespin though we don't use traitsjs.org instead we have
our own implementation which pretty much follows same APIs (one major
difference is non-|this|-bounded objects are created).

BTW there is another framework that was using traits for a long time
http://joose.it/ not sure how widely adopted framework is though.

Irakli Gozalishvili
Web: http://www.jeditoolkit.com/
Address: 29 Rue Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris, France <http://goo.gl/maps/3CHu>

On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 01:55, David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> > Yes, that's an accurate summary. It also brings me back to Dave's earlier
> question about the limited choices provided by the Traits library.
> > ...
> > Long story short: it's definitely possible for a Traits library to offer
> more knobs, although I'm not sure whether the increased complexity is worth
> it.
> Just to be clear, I wasn't saying we should consider *more* knobs, just
> that other knobs are possible. I'm not convinced that the Trait.create knob
> offered by traits.js is necessary.
> > Judging from earlier comments, it seems there is at least a niche for the
> combination of 'early conflict detection' + 'non-frozen, non-|this|-bound
> objects'.
> I'm told this is what our colleagues working on Skywriter would have
> preferred.
> Dave
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