On Mar 20, 2011, at 7:18 AM, David Bruant wrote:

> Le 20/03/2011 14:33, Jorge Chamorro a écrit :
>> On 20/03/2011, at 13:51, Jorge wrote:
>>> So given 2 timers, expiring at t0 and t1 with t0 < t1, if Date.now() is >= 
>>> t0 and >= t1, I would expect t0 to be serviced first, yes.
> The difference is that the system can understand what is your expectation as 
> a user when you've clicked twice. Both click are clearly sequenced. For 
> timers, the non-determinism due to the computation time of computea and 
> computeb prevents you from /expecting/ anything.

There's no non-determinism in the order in which f1 and f2 were set as 
timeouts. The setTimeout(f1, 1000) call happens-before setTimeout(f2, 0), 

The issue here is resolved by breaking ties by inserting after all timers with 
the same deadline.


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