These are all good points-- I may not have time to reply this weekend but I 

I just want quickly to point out that despite the wording on strawman:strawman 
("TC39's response to..."), the vats/promises strawman has by no means been 
agreed upon yet. As I say, I believe it's not mature enough to be likely to 
make the May cutoff. I don't even understand what vats are well enough to have 
an opinion yet.

I'll reply in more detail when I get a chance.

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

David Bruant <> wrote:

Le 19/03/2011 16:39, David Herman a écrit : >>> It seems to me there are a 
couple pieces to Mark's concurrency >>> proposal. One part is formalizing the 
event queue that already exists. >> Is this already done in the current 
proposal? Because I haven't found >> it. > > Sorry, I guess I should say, we 
can't add concurrency without having > it be compatible with existing event 
queue semantics, which likely > requires formalizing that in Ecma-262. > >> 
Regardless, this work of formalizing the already existing event queue >> has 
already been done by the WHATWG: >>
 > > Yeah, I know. > >> I think it would be a mistake to start the 
formalization work from >> scratch since a decent part of the work has already 
been done. > > Duplicating specs certainly sucks. But it seems nonsensical to 
me to > specify things that rely on the event queue without having the event > 
queue in the semantics. Maybe th
 e spec
would have to cross-reference > WHATWG? Ugh. > > Actually, wait a minute -- I 
think I disagree with you here. WHATWG > specifies the specific event queue of 
the browser. Node.js has its own > event queue. (...) Actually, we agree. I 
never said that TC39 should copy/paste the event-loop section written by the 
WHATWG. I said that WHATWG has done some on work specifying what currently 
happens in browser (joining with your idea of "be[ing] compatible with existing 
event queue semantics"). One idea would be to see what they've done, get 
inspired and specify the event queue in ECMAScript. Node.js implementation 
would be another source of inspiration. But the WHATWG has written a spec, not 
an implementation which is subject to change at anytime. That's the value I was 
seeing in particularly studying WHATWG event queue before working on adding 
event queue to ECMAScript (which, as you say in your next point is compulsory 
in a way or another to define pre-emption-less concurrency). > I
think there's any way to specify "run-to-completion" (which is > really just a 
hand-wavy way of saying "no pre-emption," which is > itself really just a way 
of saying "sequentialized event queues") > without specifying event queues. > > 
But I still don't see why standardizing timers, and only timers, is so > 
important. Node implements them, and they work. What problem are we > fixing? > 
>> Once, I read the concurrency proposal with in mind "can setTimeout be >> 
implemented with what is in this proposal?". I have found the timeout >> 
section >> 
( and >> I 
thought "awesome!"... until I realized that this example is itself >> using 
setTimeout (which is consistently implemented in most >> ECMAScript-based 
environments but isn't itself part of any ECMAScript >> version). > > Why do 
you think setTimeout is so special? It seems like just another > 
host-environment API like, say, onClick. It provides access to one o
 f > the
host environment's system service. I agree that it can be considered as an 
host-environment API. However, setTimeout seems to be widely implemented. I 
think it makes more sense to specify it within ECMAScript. It could be an 
occasion to specify what happens when you're in strict mode and you do 
setTimeout("alert(this)", 0). Is this string interpreted as strict eval code? 
There is a spec hole here. Bringing setTimeout to ECMAScript would be an 
occasion to answer the question and not let implementors do whatever they 
prefer or even to forget the question. This would avoid yet another de facto 
standard. >> However, the tiny brick/element/component/part that is missing to 
>> implement "time event" ("clock event"?) is to take time into account >> in 
the proposal. > > How is this element's absence any more important than the 
absence of, > say, onMouseover? Granted, it has more applicability than just 
the > browser (since node.js uses it), but as Kyle's already pointed out, > some
embeddings may not want to expose the system clock. Actually, a conforming ES5 
implementation implements In that condition, it's hard to not 
expose the system clock, or am I missing something? This is giving me a 
(terrible) idea to implement setTimeout. We could have two vats. One asks the 
second to resolve some promise after a certain amout of time. The second loops 
and resolve the promise when the delay is passed (measured as a delta between at request reception and in the loop test. I warned on the terrible 
aspect of the idea). On resolution, the function passed to Q.when in the first 
vat is called. Despite the inelegancy, could it work? >> And I intuit it 
wouldn't be that hard to add it. > > It's not exactly a walk in the park. Have 
you ever tried to formalize > real time? Einstein had a few words to say about 
this subject. :-) I am aware of the theorical problem. However, it has never 
prevented people from including "time" in different languages
specifications, or implementing libraries using the concept of "time". There 
are also people out there writing "performance benchmarks" where they "measure 
time"! Joke aside, there is no need to formalize real time. For, ES5 
says: "The now function return a Number value that is the time value 
designating the UTC date and time of the occurrence of the call to now." About 
setTimeout and setInterval, WHATWG says: "This API does not guarantee that 
timers will fire exactly on schedule. Delays due to CPU load, other tasks, etc, 
are to be expected." In my opinion, these are sufficiently accurate 
approximations of real time so that implementors can know what to do while 
admitting they've given up on formalizing real time and don't want to dig any 
further the topic. > I still just don't get this whole thread. > But I still 
don't see why standardizing timers, and only timers, is so > important. Node 
implements them, and they work. What problem are we > fixing? So, to summuri
 ze a
couple of things that has been said: * With the work on strawman:concurrency, 
the event loop concept will be added to (regardless what is 
decided for setTimeout). * Standardizing setTimeout based on the event loop is 
basically just adding a timing component to the event loop. * "Real time is 
already in ECMAScript 5 through" * Standardizing setTimeout is the 
occasion to fully specify the string-as-a-first argument case to avoid de facto 
standards before strict mode or Harmony opt-in is widely deployed. I was about 
to say something about security, but since Mark replied, it will be more 
acurate to reply to him on the topic. David 

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