That's something I for one would welcome, and I'm sure others too. I'd like to 
see some traction on this

On 25 Mar 2011, at 20:38, David Bruant <> wrote:

> Le 25/03/2011 20:18, Brendan Eich a écrit :
>> Dunno. You were ravaged by the Crocken so you may be a bit sore still :-/.
>> Any list with informal/unsound syntax talk is not one I want to be on. It's 
>> not quite beer talk. It could lead to a breakthrough idea, who knows? But 
>> the cost is pretty high.
>> I'm not against syntax proposals here, mind you. Let's just work out the 
>> grammar a bit before launching.
> This is said and (hopefully) read by people who are currently on the
> list. But it might be worth saying it while welcoming people on
> es-discuss (on the listinfo page or welcoming e-mail after validation)
> so that each time someone comes in with the expectation of bringing a
> syntax idea, s/he can be told beforehand that s/he should start working
> on the grammar and bring something already solid to the mailing-list.
> I haven't taken the occasion to do so yet, but I'd like to thank you for
> considering that an open mailing-list will be beneficial for ECMAScript
> as a language.
> Nevertheless, by doing so, you're creating a community and like every
> community, there are rules, conventions, expectations. It might be time
> to formalize these in a way or another. The WHATWG has done it on their
> wiki. For inspiration, I recommend reading:
> *
> *
> *
> Regards,
> David
>> /be
>> On Mar 25, 2011, at 12:09 PM, Kris Kowal wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Brendan Eich <> wrote:
>>>> No problem -- just don't provoke Zeus to unleash the Crock-en ;-).
>>> Perhaps there needs to be a venue where non-experts can bounce ideas
>>> and discuss points of pain with volunteering committee members to
>>> reduce noise in this venue. There is little room here for
>>> light-hearted discussion and mentoring for members of the community
>>> who have less than full-time commitment and years of experience in
>>> language design.
>>> It's disappointing to be ostracized, but it is true. I also want to
>>> see careful and well-wrought steady progress. I remember a former
>>> decade when this discussion was impossible to follow, too many bad
>>> ideas were too thoroughly discussed, and much time was wasted.
>>> Kris Kowal
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