My response was simply this : assuming normative scope in conversational tone, 
that I would welcome is a venue where end users (engineers and architects as 
well as scripters) could contribute to the developer experience of using 
JavaScript without incurring the wrath of it's fathers, which appear to be more 
focused on the interpreter of the language rather than the thrust of it's use 
cases (which almost always appear to bottom out on library abstractions to 
solve the issues).

I really would have hoped that rather than assuming an asses POV that this list 
would assume the best without requirement of over-qualification.

Like it or not, JavaScript is the glue of the web. This language space has been 
embroiled in vendor politics since day one- end users need an effective forum 
to describe their requirements- that is what I was espousing. Clear enough? 

You do yourself a disservice by assuming idiocracy.

On 25 Mar 2011, at 22:49, Brendan Eich <> wrote:

> On Mar 25, 2011, at 2:07 PM, David Foley wrote:
>> That's something I for one would welcome, and I'm sure others too. I'd like 
>> to see some traction on this
> I don't want to spend too much time on custom etiquette.
> Also I don't want to be a jerk about it, but your post both bottom-cites 
> heavily (top-citing without editing is even worse, but please trim; I nag 
> everyone and fail myself, so again don't take this as more than a chance to 
> restate an old USENET rule).
> Another thing: you'd like to see some traction on "this", my favorite 
> pronoun. Which "this"? If you don't like # for sharp functions, then we're 
> back to inventing syntax. That requires some care not to walk right into 
> (fairly well-known, but trickier due to ASI and "lack of ASI where you 
> expected it") grammatical ambiguities.
> Throwing up ideas and letting the grammarians debug them on the list is 
> possible and might be fun but (in my view; I'm not the list moderator, just 
> admin -- we have no moderator) it's not a good use of the list or all our 
> time.
> So: top-cite and trim carefully, avoid pronoun trouble, and try to make 
> concrete proposals where (if they involve new syntax) you've worked through 
> some of the consequences to avoid the obvious gotchas.
> This may be too much to ask, but I'll ask for it anyway. It ought not cause a 
> swerve into "OMG fascist list rules". But some of us old timers expect at 
> least the old netiquette rules to apply still. Follow them and the Crocken 
> may stay peacefully asleep.
> /be
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