Yeah, I'd like them. I just thought it is no point suggesting.

Norbert Lindenberg wrote:
A few others relevant to EcmaScript:

=== ⩶
Why not ≡ (to match !==). It has also better meaning.

!= ≠
!== ≢
... …
! ¬
* ×
/ ÷
Yes! I'd like to see the last two (not is nice, too), to split it from other meanings of / and *.

&& ∧
|| ∨
in ∈

== ≈
!== ≉

(and just for fun:
for ∀
if ∃
though I think that the first would work :-) )

Infinity ∞
sqrt √
cbrt ∛
PI π
Intl 🌐 // requires better fonts 

Besides typing, legibility is critical: ⇒, ≥, ≤ are clearly
improvements over their ASCII counterparts, but ≠ and ≢ are too hard
to  tell apart.

I think there should be not ≠ (!== is anyway not very good to use, one should favor !===) only ≡ and ≢ for === and !===.


On Apr 4, 2012, at 22:23 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 From (hat tip *Corey 



  =>    ⇒   // implemented
  <-  ←   // implemented
  ->    →   // implemented
  ==  ⩵
  >>  ≫
  <<    ≪
  >>>  ⋙
For these three I am concerned with meaning... it should be neither "French quotes" nor "much greater/lesser than".

  >=  ≥
  <=  ≤
  ::  ∷

Corey suggested editors could do the input conversion when users type the 
digraph. If Scala can go here, why not JS?


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