I don't see anything inherently wrong with adding some nice sugar to
ES, because the people who will be using this "math heavy" notation
will be those who are used to it. The "everyday" ecmascript programmer
probably won't touch these because they might add extra work for them.
Plus, it'd be nice to be able to read math in ES (for us math oriented

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 08:02, Corey Richardson <co...@octayn.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 04 Apr 2012 22:23:54 -0700, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org> wrote:
>> Corey suggested editors could do the input conversion when users type
>> the digraph. If Scala can go here, why not JS?
> Why introduce an entirely functionless, useless syntactical non-semantic
> change to the language when preprocessors could fill that role? If we're going
> to do this we might as well add in a generic feature to allow any identifier
> to stand in for any other operator.
> Only-half-kidding'ly yours,
> Corey Richardson
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Adam Shannon
University of Northern Iowa
Sophomore -- Computer Science B.S. & Mathematics
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