On 4/4/12 at 23:54, ecmascr...@norbertlindenberg.com (Norbert Lindenberg) wrote:

Besides typing, legibility is critical: ⇒, ≥, ≤ are clearly improvements over their ASCII counterparts, but ≠ and ≢ are too hard to tell apart.

One thing that concerns me with using the extended Unicode set is that I will need to shift to a larger font size to make out the extended characters. I don't know whether that will result in more or less of the program text in a fixed size window, but if it is less, then having those characters in the source will not improve program readability.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz |"After all, if the conventional wisdom was working, the 408-356-8506 | rate of systems being compromised would be going down,
www.periwinkle.com | wouldn't it?" -- Marcus Ranum

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