On Wednesday, 2012-04-18 at 09:02 , Herby Vojčík wrote:

> Herby Vojčík wrote:
> >  
> > Maybe allowing
> > let {b, b:{x,y}} = obj;
> > would be enough. It sort-of comforms to existing syntax as well as
> > semantics.
> >  
> BTW, if you use var instead of let, if already works out of the box (in  
> FF11 firebug console; just tried), so why include as if it already is  
> there, albeit in different form?

OMG, you're right!!! I could swear it did not worked before as I had 
unsuccessful attempts to use that form. I guess it's ok if Brendan did not knew 
it either :D  
> >  
> > Herby
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