Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
On Apr 18, 2012, at 9:29 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Herby Vojčík wrote:
Herby Vojčík wrote:
Maybe allowing
let {b, b:{x,y}} = obj;
would be enough. It sort-of comforms to existing syntax as well as
BTW, if you use var instead of let, if already works out of the box (in FF11 
firebug console; just tried), so why include as if it already is there, albeit 
in different form?
We implemented destructuring years ago to implementor- and user-test ES4 
proposals. They did not forbid duplicates. That's all.

Nothing normative in experimental Firefox implementation features, of course. You cite 
them as "already [there]" and that's true but it doesn't govern what goes into 

But is also works this way according to the ES6 draft spec.  It works with var 
because var allows duplicated declarations:

    var a=1;
    var a=2;
    var a=3;

which, from a declaration perspective isn't really any different from
    var a=1,a=2,a=3;

However let/const does not:

{   //block level duplicate declaration early error
    let b=1;
    let b=2;

or just
   let b=1,b=2 ;   //block level duplicate declaration error

var {b,b:{x,y}} = obj;  //fine because var declaration static semantics don't 
disallow duplicates
{  //avoid any conflicts with the preceeding var
    let {b,b:{x,y}} = obj;  //block level duplicate declaration

But the 'let {b:b, b:{x,y}}' is different beast, it is:
  let b = {x:1,y:2};
  let {x,y} = {x:1,y:2};
and there is, imo, no conflict in this.

> You might argue that the second b in the destructuring isn't actually
> introducing a binding for b.  However,  syntactically it looks like
> one and that is what the static semantic rule is driven off of.  If
> we allow that, we would also be allowing:
>      let b=somethingElse;
>      let {b:{x,y})=obj;
> If we want to allow that I'll have to some up with a different way to

But, AFAICT, this should be allowed. The 'b:' from destructuring is different from 'b' from let. Is the previous code disallowed in current state?

> specify the static semantics.
> Allen

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