On Wednesday, 2012-04-18 at 09:32 , Brendan Eich wrote:

> Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
> > OMG, you're right!!! I could swear it did not worked before as I had 
> > unsuccessful attempts to use that form. I guess it's ok if Brendan did 
> > not knew it either :D
> > 
> I never said I didn't know, I said ES6 new syntax opts into strict mode 
> for things like banning duplicate property names in object literals, so 
> this might well apply to duplicate property names in object patterns.

I'm sorry for inappropriate comment.
> I 
> still think this may be the case.
> ES4-era destructuring was very shallow sugar:
> var {x: y} = z; => var y = z.x;
> and so on -- with a temporary to avoid evaluating z more than once, and 
> z is evaluated first (a left-to-right evaluation order break, but others 
> exist, e.g. for-in loop head evaluation order).
> /be 

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