Hi Xavier,

It's great to see this project! I'll take a closer look soon. I will see if I 
can help contribute to this.


On Apr 18, 2012, at 5:20 AM, Xavier CAMBAR wrote:

> Hi,
> I wanted to announce that I've been working on a project called Shepherd 
> (http://xcambar.github.com/shepherd-js), a pure Javascript implementation of 
> Harmony modules.
> Why such a project ? Fun first. Second, I was really looking forward to use 
> harmony modules. Third, I wanted an efficient way to use my modules on the 
> server and the client. And it seems to me that current module loaders and 
> APIs available will be, at the end, superseded by the module syntax being 
> defined at ECMA for the future versions of ECMAScript.
> The syntax used is as of 2012-02-27 
> (http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:modules&rev=1330363672), I 
> couldn't find the time to implement the latest proposal (besides I would have 
> had to choose one of the two variants), but apart from the syntax, it is 
> usable both on the client and the server, and tested.
> The parser/lexer has been developped using JISON 
> (http://zaach.github.com/jison/) and is available as a separate project 
> (https://github.com/xcambar/harmony-parser).
> For backward-compatibility, the module declarations have to be put into 
> comments (which you will discover in the examples provided on the site), it 
> is compatible with CommonJS modules (user-defined as well as native modules 
> in Node.js), and, although not critical to the project, a compatibility 
> wrapper for the AMD API is on its way.
> Regarding production-level requirements, an optimizer has been implemented, 
> but it still requires testing before being released.
> I've had and I'm still having a really good time working on this project and 
> I would really appreciate if I could have some feedback from the readers and 
> contributors of the mailing-list.
> A mailing list has been created for the project, still empty of messages 
> simply because it has been created yesterday ;)
> Regards,
> -- 
> Xavier CAMBAR
> @xcambar
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