I've worked on this branch during the evening:,
Currently, single line comments must still wrap the module declaration, but
this version offers a good comparison point in regards to the master branch.

I've seen this, it is encouraging that Google considers adding support. But
there's a long way to go before a stable release.
By the way, the V8 engine what will come in Node 0.8 has Harmony flags, and
one of them is about modules.


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:46 PM, Rick Waldron <>wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Russell Leggett <
>> wrote:
>> [snip]
>> Support is coming. I look at it this way. Some day relatively soon, ES6
>> modules will be in node. Soon after that they will start showing up in
>> browsers. Over the course of the next year, I bet you'll see module support
>> in at least firefox and chrome.
> In Chrome Canary, with Harmony flag enabled...
> module Foo {}
> (Foo in this); // true
> :)
>  But, Foo is still undefined.
> Rick
>>  If you set your sights on full modules now, you'll have code that
>> doesn't need to be rewritten a year from now. A polyfill will happen, do
>> you want to write it?
>> - Russ
>> [snip]

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