On 10/06/12 23:57, John Tamplin wrote:
On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Geoffrey Sneddon<gsned...@opera.com>wrote:

It's not just Firefox addons that will break: GWT's output relies upon the
exact format of Error.stack[1]. I know Google Wave depended upon this, and
I believe other Google applications do too.

Note that GWT can supply different deferred-bound implementations for
different browsers, though generally we do runtime detection rather than
compile time if there are few differences between versions.  Of course,
that would only affect deployed apps if they recompiled, but I wouldn't
expect that would be much of a problem for any currently maintained apps.

Well, the Wave team only shipped Gecko/WebKit code, so you *had* to be compatible with either one of the compile-time branches if you wanted to have a browser that supported Wave. The fact it *can* support different implementations is only relevant if people ship the code. :)

To be fair, I've only seen a few things that have relied upon Error.stack (all through GWT and not shipping all the various compile-time options!) and I think they were all Google sites, so hopefully they'd all be updated, allowing convergence of Error.stack implementations.

(Though it is perhaps saying about maintenance of that code that the Opera code-branch relies upon Futhark behaviour, which hasn't been shipped in desktop or mobile for over two years now, and the specific behaviour it relies on depends upon a non-standard pref setting that didn't even exist in mobile.)

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
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