> Oliver Hunt wrote:
>> [...] If you used JSON [...]

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 6:35 AM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org> wrote:
> The easy way out is Error.prototype.stackTrace, a getter that exposes,
> deeply and lazily, objects with string and number valued properties cleanly
> reflecting the desired information -- and without any capability leaks.
> At this point, perhaps better is better. Any such stackTrace spec should not
> diverge too far from the various .stack implementations, in that one should
> be able to construct the latter from the fomer one true .stackTrace or
> .stackFrames or whatever it must be called.


getCWStack(err) returns a JSON-able representation, but only to those
that possess the getCWStack function, which is not generally
available, as that would be a bad information leak (though still not a
capability leak). getStack(err) at
turns this back into a v8-like stack description string, but again
only to those that possess the getStack function (which should be
co-available with getCWStack). The overall debug.js file is a SES shim
for retrofitting this behavior securely onto v8 and, to varying
degrees, other browsers

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