Mariusz Nowak wrote:
It would be great if someone will explain in detail why
Object.setPrototypeOf is no go.
We've been over this many times, e.g. at
To recap,
1. __proto__ is out in the field, a de-facto standard on "mobile", and
not going away. Adding another API doesn't help, it hurts.
2. SES and other secure subsets want same-frame (global object, "realm")
mashups of code that may use __proto__ and code that must not, but
Object.setPrototypeOf is a per-frame capability that would have to be
removed, breaking the former class of code.
Any function that blindly extends object with provided hash is affected e.g.
extend(obj, { __proto__: Error.prototype }).
No, that depends on how extend works. If it uses Object.defineProperty
or equivalent, then nothing is broken and the setter on Object.prototype
for __proto__ is not run.
Additionally it means that we need to serialize any user input which
eventually may be used as key on a dictionary e.g. data[userDefinedName].
Only if you use assignment into an object that delegates to
Object.prototype, but see (1) above: this hazard already exists. Don't
do that; JSON doesn't, and Object.create(null) gives a way to create
Yes, the problems you cite are real, but they are already part of the
de-facto __proto__ standard (1). Beyond that, Object.setPrototypeOf is a
mistake due to (2).
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