Le 20/03/2013 16:15, Brendan Eich a écrit :
To recap,

1. __proto__ is out in the field, a de-facto standard on "mobile", and not going away. Adding another API doesn't help, it hurts.

2. SES and other secure subsets want same-frame (global object, "realm") mashups of code that may use __proto__ and code that must not, but Object.setPrototypeOf is a per-frame capability that would have to be removed, breaking the former class of code.


Yes, the problems you cite are real, but they are already part of the de-facto __proto__ standard (1).
From the spec/implementor point of view, __proto__ has to be added as de-facto standard because it is used. From the developer point of view, it is not because it's in the language that it's a good idea to use it. Quite the opposite, I'd like to reiterate that devs should make "delete Object.prototype.__proto__" the second line of their code (first line is "use strict";). Devs shouldn't make the mistake to think that __proto__ in the standard makes it a good or legitimate feature.

__proto__ in ES6 is yet another ECMAScript Regret [1]


[1] https://github.com/DavidBruant/ECMAScript-regrets (I haven't found much time to write more, but issues are more interesting to read than just the part that's been written down)
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