Hey all. Late to the discussion here, but after scanning the thread,
figured it might be worth sharing a few observations...

The fact that we have to "bundle" files at the application layer is an
unfortunate limitation of HTTP 1.x protocol. Specifically, because HTTP 1.x
forces us to serializes responses (actually, in practice it also forces us
to serializes requests on the client since pipelining adoption has
effectively failed), it means we can have up to 6 parallel transfers per
origin * number of origins (aka, domain sharding). This sucks at multiple
levels.. it adds unnecessary complexity to our build/deploy steps (e.g. try
explaining sprites to any designer...), and it also *hurts* performance in
many cases.

For details on cost/benefits of pipelining, sharding, concatenation:

As noted in last link, concatenating large bundles is actually *the
opposite* of what you want to do for performance:
a) we want to deliver small, granular resources, such that they can be
cached, invalidated, and updated individually
b) small resources allow incremental processing and execution
c) small resources map to modular code and better prioritization (e.g. I
need this submodule only after X operation or in Y view, etc)

In practice, (a) is a serious problem for many large sites already.. every
rev of their JS / CSS bundle results in a massive (and mostly unnecessary
update) - case in point, GMail team has spent an enormous amount of cycles
trying to figure out how to scale this process without running a
self-imposed DoS attack every time their JS asset is rev'ed (plus doing so
in an efficient way for users on slow connections). Similarly, in our
Google PageSpeed libraries we've dropped the "concatenate all things"
strategy several years ago after we realized that it hurts perceived
performance: instead we merge small files into large bundles (up to 30-50kb
in size) -- even this is annoying and ideally unnecessary, and we recommend
disabling all spriting / concat logic when running over SPDY.

Long story short: we don't want large bundles.

Also, large bundles break prioritization! To deliver good performance we
want modular assets with different priority levels. This is exactly why
we're working on ResourcePriorities spec:
Merging multiple files into a single blob, or a zip, breaks this model and
makes the situation even worse:

a) a single byte update on any part of the bundle would force downloading
the entire blob ($$$, slow for clients on slower connections, low cache hit
b) streaming sub-resources from a bundle is at best complicated, and in the
worst case completely broken, which only makes the performance story even
c) the entire bundle is delivered with a single priority level

In short, pitching "zip bundling" as a performance optimization is a
complete misnomer. If anything, it will only make things worse, even for
HTTP 1.x clients. And with HTTP 2.0 on near horizon, the limitation in
number of requests is completely removed: we have full multiplexing,
prioritization, flow control.. which is exactly where we want to go if we
want to accelerate page load times.


P.S. HTTP 2 recommendations:
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