Ilya ... just to re-clarify what was the discussion about: Generic Bundling
... not HTTP Bundling.

I don't know why many keep coupling and confining HTML5 over HTTP and
nothing else.

Bundling as you do with executables or apps, bundling as you send a single
file update for your customer to replace instead of unzipping, overwriting
each file, etcetera.

Why is in your opinion bundling bad for non HTTP, offline, apps created
using these technologies ?

Every programming language I know have some bundle support that works as
single package/file ... C has the executable, then we have phar, war, jar,
python has many ... what about JS ? Won't work without HTTP ? Why ?

Thanks for your thoughts on this and also thanks for the story and the
material about HTTP2 goodness.


On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Ilya Grigorik <> wrote:

> + 1 to François's comments.
> You're not saying that gzipping and wise pre-fetching and parallel
>> download of scripts don't improve page load times. Or are you?
> - We already have transfer-encoding in HTTP, and yes, you should
> definitely use it!
> - Prefetching is also an important optimization, but in the context of
> this discussion (bundling), it's an orthogonal concern.
>> In the equation you paint above something important is missing: the fact
>> that there's a round-trip delay per request (even with http2.0), and that
>> the only way to avoid it is to bundle things, as in .zip bundling, to
>> minimize the (number of requests and thus the) impact of latencies.
> With HTTP 1.x (and without sharding) you can fetch up to six resources in
> parallel. With HTTP 2.0, you can fetch as many resources as you wish in
> parallel. The only reason bundling exists as an "optimization" is to work
> around the limit of six parallel requests. The moment you remove that
> limitation, bundling is unnecessary and only hurts performance.
>> And there's something else I think .zip bundling can provide that http2.0
>> can't: the guarantee that a set of files are cached by the time your script
>> runs: with such a guarantee you could do synchronous module require()s, à
>> la node.js.
> This is completely orthogonal... if you need to express dependencies
> between multiple resources, use a loader script, or better.. look into
> using upcoming promise API's. As I mentioned previously, bundling breaks
> streaming / incremental execution / prioritization.
> ig
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