Can't wait til we've reached ES15 in 2024!

On 1 June 2016 at 16:01, Caitlin Potter <> wrote:

> Oh sure you have,
> for
> instance :p
> On Jun 1, 2016, at 9:59 AM, Leo Balter <> wrote:
> I haven't seen anyone referring to ES2017 as ES8, so I imagine we won't
> have this problem anymore in a couple years. In anyway, this is an addition
> that won't happen to ES2016, it's too late for that.
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 9:36 AM, John Gardner <>
> wrote:
>> *> There is no such thing as ES7.*
>> You say that as though you can control how people index language versions
>> in their minds...
>> On 1 June 2016 at 23:33, Mark S. Miller <> wrote:
>>> ES2015 was the last version for which the short for ("ES6") was also in
>>> common use. After that, there is only ES2016 etc. There is no such thing as
>>> ES7.
>>> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 3:03 PM, John Gardner <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'd like to propose a simple yet potent syntax addition
>>>> <>
>>>> for /ECMAScript\d+/. What's the most direct approach to get this
>>>> officially considered? I've seen differing procedures mentioned in places
>>>> and I'm unsure.
>>>> BTW, am I the only one getting confused by the year-based naming
>>>> convention? I skip over intermediate letters when reading and only absorb
>>>> the last digit, which makes me mistake ES2017 as ES7, which is actually
>>>> ES2016, which I get mixed up with ES6, which is ES2015.
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