Removing language features will introduce breaking changes. Removal is more like an agreement, not to use certain features, so it is the task of a Linter, which can check, that you do not use "bad things". Strict mode is another way, which disables a certain set of features, such that it becomes an error, when you use them. However, it is not very fine granular.

Maybe ES should introduce something like a configuration object, in which developers can enable / disable or in general configure features for their module in a fine granular way. Of course all features which exist at the time of introducing such a mechanism would have to be enabled by default...

On 20.07.2017 01:16, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:
FWIW I can tell you already removing `RegExp.$1`, ``, and friends will break a lot of things.

Testing a `RegExp` to instantly using its matches via `$1` and friends has been used in many scripts.


On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 1:11 AM, Isiah Meadows < <>> wrote:

    It's mostly a TC39 process, where they have to go through a very
    pain-staking process to ensure it breaks virtually nothing in real
    world code, one that takes several years. So far, the only
    language feature successfully removed is `arguments.caller`. There
    are a few others deprecated for future removal:

    - `Function.prototype.caller`
    - `arguments.callee`
    - `RegExp.$1`, ``, and friends
    - Most everything banned from strict mode.
    - And likely others.

    On Wed, Jul 19, 2017, 18:36 David White
    < <>>


        I’m just curious as there are a lot of proposals for the
        addition of features to the ES specification, is there any
        scope for requests to remove language features? Going via the
        same means of writing a proposition that would attempt to
        support the removal of a feature, ultimately simplifying the
        specification and language?

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