On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 7:13 AM, Michael Kriegel <
michael.krie...@actifsource.com> wrote:

> Maybe ES should introduce something like a configuration object, in which
> developers can enable / disable or in general configure features for their
> module in a fine granular way. Of course all features which exist at the
> time of introducing such a mechanism would have to be enabled by default...
As you say, this is more a job for linters / code analysis / code quality
tools. The only time it's relevant to the JavaScript engine itself is where
the elimination of a feature allows the engine to do a better/faster
optimization job (for instance in strict mode, `with`, the link between
`arguments` and named parameters, ...) or where only the engine can know
about something problematic (viz. automatic globals). Those are relatively

I can't recall details, but I seem to recall an indication on the list at
some stage that there's little-to-no appetite for further `"use
strict"`-like directives. It's a big hammer, used once so far to fix some
long-standing performance and correctness pain-points. Maybe TC-39 will use
it again, but the indication was, not any time soon, and certainly not just
to turn off features people don't like.

-- T.J. Crowder
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