On 07/20/2017 03:08 AM, Alexander Jones wrote:
Removing things also frees up syntax and names for future extensions. Never removing features is simply unscalable, and it's only going to accelerate JS's demise!

I still think version pragmas are probably worth exploring to mitigate this, while not 'breaking the web' is a stated goal.

Not breaking the web is a stated goal.

A non-web embedding is free to remove whatever is unwanted, but the vast majority of resources are put into JS engines that run the web, so in practice you're going to run on engines that implement the whole spec and are not at all eager to pay for testing or maintenance overhead for non-web configurations.

Features can sometimes be usefully deprecated by not implementing them in optimizing JITs. (For example, 'with'.) Whatever invariants the features break must still be handled by the overall engine, but it's usually much easier to only handle things on slow paths.

Version pragmas have been explored and found to be a bad idea. See http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_one-javascript.html for a far better description than I would be able to produce.

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