On Nov 2, 2007, at 2:40 PM, Yuh-Ruey Chen wrote:

Lastly, all this accusations concerning intentions need to stop.

In the absence of technical arguments, these are inevitable.

Mozilla, this concerns you too - I find that saying you won't let big
bully MS block ES4 is somewhat hypocritical, considering that the SVG
1.2 committee did something similar to you guys (make no mistake, I'm
not accusing anyone and I hope this is the last time SVG is mentioned on
this mailing list).

If you mean SVG Tiny 1.2 violating W3C process rules by skipping from Working Draft to Candidate Recommendation without addressing all received technical objections, there's no comparison. We working on ES4 could use some specific technical objections from the Ecma members who oppose ES4. I promise we wouldn't ignore any before moving ES4 to the final stage of Ecma standardization (there is no CR analogue in Ecma).

Hey, you brought this up -- no fair doing a drive-by about SVG while I'm in earshot! :-)

In any case, hypocritical or not, all these
accusations are not constructive at all. Responding to accusations with
more accusations is plain sophomoric in my book. Please, I have enough
of my political bullshit from the news - I don't expect that here.

If these are inevitable because technical objections haven't been made, that tells you something important. The politics are overriding technical considerations. Act accordingly, but please, don't assume there is a technical fix to a political problem. Forcing one by a bartering process will only make a Franken-standard.


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