I recently tried backing up my hard disk using Red Hat 8.0
instead of Debian 3.0 just to see if there were any settings
or optimizations that made any difference in the time it took.

What I found out was that dd would crash (after about 20 
minutes) without reporting any errors and with all blocks 
accounted for, but the data on the destination drive was
total garbage. A e2fsck would produce long lists of these
  dma-int:status=0x51 {DriveRead SeekComplete Error}
  dma-int:status=0x51 {DriveStatusError BadCrc}
on every partition.

When I turned off ide dma support using "hdparm -d0" the 
trouble stopped and the disk mirrored fine with no e2fsck 
errors. I checked my hard drive setting with "hdparm -I"
and looked in the bios, both confirmed that dma mode was 
activated on the drives, the default being PIO Mode 5. 

I could find no references online as to what to do about 
this or even which dma mode the Linux kernel uses.


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