Thanks Hurst and Ralph, I'll give these ideas a try. -Dex

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Behalf Of Horst
> Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 12:28
> as Ralph said -- or, since I remember you having several HDs, could use
> swapoff /dev/hdx*     and    swapon /dev/hdy*
> selectively by looking at 'cat /proc/swaps' or 'swapon -s'.
> Look at mkswap to create a swap partion or file on another drive.
> On Tue, 31 Dec 2002, Ralph Zeller wrote:
> > swapoff -a
> > 
> > On 12/31/02 09am, Dexter Graphic wrote:
> > > I just tried copying my partitions one at a time with DMA support turned 
> > > on and there were no DMA errors reported. You may recall that when I copied 
> > > the entire drive at once (dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb bs=1k) with DMA turned
> > > on I got DMA and CRC errors in both Debian and Red Hat. So I wonder if this
> > > may have been caused by copying my active swap partition? Is there any way to
> > > turn off use of the swap portion during my dd backup process? -Dex

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