On Wed, 1 Jan 2003, Neil Parker wrote:

> On Wed, 1 Jan 2003, Linux Rocks ! wrote:
> >my cpuinfo didnt seem to have anything pertinant to page size, however others 
> >might...  cpuinfo seems a lot less relevent than meminfo...  Why would 
> >cpuinfo be included, but not meminfo?
> I dunno.  Maybe that part of the man was written long ago when the contents
> of /proc were different, and never got updated?
>                - Neil Parker
 Either that, or a typo that kept on propagating (at current state, the
difference seems mute // mdk 8.2 shows the same(faulty) man page ). 

 So how do we report this to be corrected ?
 (I didn't find a ref to the author)

BTW - Neil, thanks for clarifying about "SWAP_SPACE" vs. "SWAPSPACE2" in
earlier message :-)

BTW2 -- after all that confusion I stopped believing anything and tested
my system by creating a monstreous object of 500MB on a machine with 256MB
RAM and 512 MB swap by using a few python commands to create lists of
lists of lists (1KB -> 1MB -> 500MB); deepcopy in python is slow enough
that you can watch the process in a second console using 'top'... quiet
entertaining :) , and assuring me that all my swap is implemented as 'new'

 - Horst

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