Ive used quanta before, of the 3 you mention, id have to agree that quanta is 
the best. Im currently compiling it right now (and its been a coulple hours 
so far... I hope it gets done soon!) I got the newest version 
I also downloaded a copy of CoffeeLinux, it claims wysiwyg, The linux version 
is free, but not supported, and not open source. They also make windows 
versions I guess... which may be handy if I like it.
I rarely use what a html tool generates as is, sometimes I only use part of 
it, other times I go through the code and strip out the stupid stuff... I 
havnt found one that I really like, but I did find quanta usefull for project 
management and quicky generating bits of code.


On Thursday 30 January 2003 07:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 07:19:18PM -0800, Linux Rocks! wrote:
: > So... I was thinking Id try some html editors for linux. There are a few
: > out there, I havent tried many, but I was thinking of trying some. Anyone
: > familiar with any? what are some of the features?
: I've used quanta, bluefish, and screem-- I don't care for WYSIWYG html
: editors, cause they all seem to generate not the best code.  Of the
: three, I prefer quanta, though it's a drag having to have qt installed
: for one app.
: I also like vim for html.
: Cheers,
: Dennis

Convention organizer to Linus Torvalds: "You might like to come with us 
to some licensed[1] place, and have some pizza."

Linus: "Oh, I did not know that you needed a license to eat pizza".

[1] Licenced - refers in Australia to a restaurant which has government 
licence to sell liquor.
        -- Linus at a talk at the Melbourne University

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